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Everyone uses this. Parents, teachers, students. Parents use it for their work. Teachers use it for their teaching. Students, use it to confront people about their relationships. Along with other things. Such as: Chatting, sending gaming links, or just homework help which I've only seen once or twice. 

Keep this is mind, if you go to a school, whatever you email will be monitored. I've been in trouble for sending something once. Technically I was the victim for what what was being sent.

Don't cuss, talk about your relationships, or talk about others. These are the three main things you can get in trouble for. When you talk about others, somebody find out in someway that they're being talked about. Usually the person that someone emails forwards the email to the person being gosipped about and gets all mad.  The first time I've been exposed by someone gossiping me and shipping me was in 4th grade. My friend sent it to my other friend. My other friend sent it to me. I sent it to my friend (who was the person I was being shipped with). They got mad. So we decided to get revenge..but not on email. 

I don't understand how people can get away with all these emails. I really don't know.

5th Grade: The one year emailing took a break. Literally nobody emailed. They just argued in person with each other.

6th Grade: The year I got in trouble for most of the emailing I did. I usually had 300 emails with just one person. I usually talked to people in different classes though. Sometimes I would talk to the people I made an alliance with. Last year I sent around 5 large emails to the teacher I would tell on students to. Then eventually I got other students to help me out on telling on them. Those emails were really long. (Back then I kept on telling on my best friend). But now I sorted things out. I can't really hate him now. 

7th: Emailing rate goes down. Most likely because the people who emailed others a lot left. I sometimes email my friend from 4th grade who still goes to the school but they usually ignore them. That's another reason why the emailing rate went down. My best friend still emails me but about funny things and sometimes I can't help myself but laugh.

Out of everything, emailing is the best way to tell people about their life. 

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