Distance Learning???

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a/n: This chapter ties into a problem that the real world is facing right now.

Looking at the stage the world is currently in, this chapter had to be put. It's been 3 days and I have so much information. 3 weeks ago the situation got worse in other countries. The week after that, the situation became worse in the country. A few schools closed down. Most schools in our state stayed open. The week after that, it got terrible, most of the schools in the country closed down. Pretty much all the schools in the state closed, yet our school stayed open. We had no school that Friday due to parent-teacher conferences. Later that day, the school announced that the school would close. The thing was that us middle schoolers had school on Monday and Tuesday. We would have Distance Learning. Some students thought they would have the full 6 weeks off. No way. On Monday we learned about the things we had to do. We learned how to use the online websites. 

Later in the day, our teacher told us that there would be no school on Tuesday. It was a crazy day. We had to take out everything from our locker. It got stressful.

On Tuesday, we had no distance learning but none of us knew what to do. It was a boring day for everyone, but a bad day for me. 

Wednesday. So much homework yet it was easy. My friends and I all went on zoom calls and it was fun.

Thursday. Distance learning is actually rather be in school. Being in a "traditional" classroom environment is better for me. 

Friday. The last day without online video calls with the teachers.

Monday - Friday.  We had 4 classes every day. All before lunch. We had a few pop quizzes bt they weren't hard.  All in all, the week was pretty simple.

 The strange thing is, parents are asking for their money back. I  don't think this is right because the teachers are still working very hard. 

I don't know what to say.

a/n: I realize that this chapter is basically just my point of view. Something like this has a big effect on me. 

I'll probably be adding more every day I have time.

I know this is staring to sound like an essay.  

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