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" Will you please stop fussing over me and let me complete you make-over "
Aanya gripped my chin and turned my face to the right while scolding me.

What's this all about.? Well actually, after continuously complaining and making excuses, still Aanya somehow managed to drag me down to this party.
She is so damn manipulative, in all seriousness to say I am excited will be biggest lie of the century, I am terrified,
At this point i am seriously wishing I could somehow disappear.

" Stop stressing so much Guddan, it's just a college party, you will be fine and I'll always be by your side "

I glanced at myself in the mirror and nearly gasped out of shock, the girl staring right back at me was not the girl I was used to seeing.
Her whole demeanour reflected confidence which clearly was just on outside.
In short Aanya whatever did with my face and clothes, i was looking....badass in this outfit.
As I was taking in all this new change, Aanya herself got ready and we together made our way towards the frat house, where party has been organized.

" Ok, let's get this over with " I took deep breathes and tried to settle down the jumping nerves inside me.
I took a moment to take in the whole scene playing in front of me.
The frat house itself was showing the aura of craziness, inside of the house was full of college students, loud music was blasting through the speakers,
There were empty cups littered all over the ground.
Just upon the sight of this, i almost convinced myself to take a turn and run as fast as possible, this is definitely not my kinda scene.

" Come on G, don't just gaze from the front, party is inside " Aanya grasped my arm and literally dragged me inside.

If the sight from outside was bad, then inside was horrible.
I clutched at Aanya's hand tightly as we continued our way towards the kitchen. All we could see was bodies mingling and dancing at the beat of song, the bitter smell of liquor, bodies drenched in sweat, the typical frat party scenes.
And on the other side, me who is highly regretting my presence here.

We somehow struggling reached the kitchen,
Aanya asked me for a drink which I politely declined,
The last thing I want is too get drunk and act like a moron in this crazy party.
After a while, the rockers band started playing which only seem to boost the power among party-peeps.
I would be lying if I say I didn't enjoyed their band,

Mid-way to party, I was feeling in need of some fresh air, during the performance I've already lost Aanya somewhere.
I made my way to the front door, but before I could step out someone suddenly bumped into me.

" Woah, watcha where going princess" Someone slurred in my ear.
I shivered down in disgust at the cringe-worthy smell of alcohol.

I tried to dodge away from the person, but suddenly two more boys came out of nowhere and surrounded me.
I glanced wierdly at the trio, and tried to pass them, but one of the boy harshly gripped my hand and dragged me down to the empty hallway.

Panic surged through me, and i felt like I was about to hyperventilate.
I opened my mouth to scream at top of lungs but my cries got muffled due to someone's hand on my mouth.
I began struggling violently in their grips as I saw the boy from earlier slowly advancing me.

"Take one more step towards the girl and I swear you three will not be able to walk on your legs "
I heard a different yet strangely comforting voice from my behind.
The boy in front of me visible paled at the threat.

I peeked at my saviour and saw Akshat standing there with his jaw clenched and fists tightly by the side, his whole posture depicted fury.

" Do whatever you want to do, I don't give a shiz, we are having fun "
The trio laughed loudly at this and I felt like puking in disgust.

But in the next second, the boy Approaching me wasn't there, instead all I heard was a body collapsing on the ground with a loud thud and a pained grunt.
My breathe hitched as I saw Akshat holding the boy with collar and punching him in face. Crimson coloured blood splattered across white floor of the hallway, the boy was barely concious and that's when i came out of my panicked state,

" No, Akshat leave him, I don't want you to get in trouble please " My voice broke down at the end.

Upon hearing this, Akshat's fist froze in mid-air and he slowly turned to me,
He took deep breathes clearly struggling to keep his calm but left the boy nevertheless.
In midst of all this chaos, I don't know when but other two boys already ran away from the scene.

Akshat cautiously approached me and placed his hand gently on my shoulder,

" Guddan are you ok " He asked me in much gentler tone as if I am made of glass and would shatter anytime.

I couldn't bring myself to utter a word so all I did was gazed unblinking in his brown eyes,
When I didn't replied Akshat began panicking slightly, he gently shook me and asked the same thing again, but not a single word came out of my mouth.

" Guddan are you fine, are you hurt anywhere, please say something. Do we need a doctor, guddan please just say something " I felt bad for putting him in this state, I desperately tried to reach out for him, a lone tear escaped from the corner of my eyes.
Now Akshat was full on panicked,

Action speak louder, guddan do something, you will give the poor guy heart-attack.
So all I did was took a step towards Akshat and hugged him tightly,
I felt Akshat going stiff slightly but soon to my surprise, he embraced me back.

I don't know how much time passed, we both just stood there in each other's arms in the hallway.
I parted a bit and glanced at Akshat's face.

" I don't want to be here anymore, please take me out of this party " I pleaded Akshat with my eyes.

" Don't worry, I will never let anyone hurt you, you are safe Guddan ". To my utter shock, Akshat placed a soft kiss at my forehead, took my hand and we togethor made our way out of the front door.

At this point I forgot all the bad memories of tonight,all I can conclude was,
I felt safe,
I felt protected,
I felt possessed for the best.

      What's this new feeling is.? 

HIS POSSESSION [ Under Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now