27. SHOT

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( Guddan's P.O.V )

I was continuously stealing glances outside the door. Something unsettling was gnawing at my heart.
My mind was not at an ounce of ease since I parted away from Akshat this morning.
As the minutes passed by, my anxiety started to pick it's pace,
My hands became sweaty and my breathing became ragged.

Something bad is about to happen.!
I know it from my core.

The sound of bell echoed throughout the corrider and I flinched from the shrill voice. I picked my books & got out the door hurriedly.
I was nearing the cafeteria when I felt my instincts going in a chaotic drive,.
My breathe hitched as the hairs stood up at the nape of my neck.
Someone was behind me.
I increased my pace & pulled out my phone unnoticed.

The sound of shoes colliding with marbeled floor just behind me, perplexed me wholly as a shiver out of fear passed through me.
I quietly typed a text to send the only three contacts I had saved in my cell.

I was about to hit the send button when a hand slammed around my mouth and other hand dragged me backwards towards the backdoor of the college.
I was squirming to get out of the tight grip of my kidnapper but to no avail I failed miserably.

Suddenly a hard solid thing came in contact with the back of my head and crimsom red blood spluttered out my mouth while my vision turned blurry and I passed out completely after a while of struggling furiously.


( Akshat's P.O.V )

As soon as the bell for break went off, I shot out of my seat and sprinted out the door shoving other students aside on my way leaving the sound of grunts and protests behind.
I was walking towards the cafeteria humming slowly when my phone chimed in , halting my steps .
I pulled out my phone nervously & my heart flipped twice as I noticed Guddan's name.
A small smile broke free on my face but something about the text was off,
I opened the messenger and froze still at my place while my eyes scanned the text continuously.
There was only single word in the text but that was enough for me to put two and two togethor, she is in danger.

G:- Help.!!

I sprinted towards the cafeteria as fast as possible and spotted Rehaan, Aanya on the other side scrolling through their phones. Before I could speak something I saw Rehaan leapt up from his seat and glanced at Aanya panicked.
Aanya too stood up hurriedly knocking down the chair in process and they both ran towards the door.
They both saw me disheaveled and we all understood whose text we all got and what we have to do next.

I was trying to maintain my cool, on inside I was feeling like i'll break any moment.
Everything was getting better,
My relationship with Guddan was getting stronger and now someone snatched her away from me, yet again.
I was so lost in shattering thoughts that I didn't even noticed where we were standing.
I came back to myself when Rehaan gripped my forearm and engulfed me in a hug.
That was when I realised my moist eyes,

"Nothing will happen to Guddan, we will find her. Don't panic "
Rehaan failed miserably in comforting me, his own voice betrayed his words.

" Rehaan , Akshat here "
I broke free from Rehaan and glanced in Aanya's direction.
She was pointing her fingers at ground with scrunched nose and a deep frown.
I followed her gaze and my eyes widened as I saw a line and few leaves scattered on the ground,
It Seemed like someone was being dragged forcefully.
I shook my head as if it could help shoving away the negative thoughts and followed Rehaan, Aanya in that direction.

HIS POSSESSION [ Under Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now