chapter uno

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Before i start this.. i just wanna say.. kairi, mattia.. if either of you read this, im so sorry 😭😂 but now you know how you feel about each other😈 so kith.

Ane ways dont roast me about any grammar or spelling mistakes plez i be a dumb hoe sometimes ✋🏼😔

3rd person

kairi was the new kid in high school, along with couple of others. but they're irrelevant. kairi woke up to the sound of his alarm on his iphone 8 (big flex) he got up and grabbed some clothes he cleaned the day before and washed up. and after that his day begone

kairi was in the front seat of his moms car btw.

kairis pov

"ok sweetie have a great day at school today. get use to it. i will be home by 10, mwah love you" my mom said. "ok mom, have a good day at work. i love you too" i said getting out the car.

i walked out the car and stared at the school that would soon be the death of me for a period of time and took a deep breath. 'here goes nothing' i thought to myself. i walked in the school, there was hella students, they were doing all sorts of things like, talking, doing tik toks, running around, i even seen couples making out IN FRONT OF THE WALKWAY!, like cmon 'get the fuck out my way, im tryna see where my class is.' i thought to myself while holding my schedule.

3 mins went passed and i still couldnt find my class. the school was like a big maze. and i lost myself in it. *brinngggg ringgg bringgg* great. now im late to class.

all the students were rushing to class, almost shoving each other.' like calm down, its not that fuck-' "-ING DEEP, WHY ARE YALL SO IN A RUSH TO GET TO CLASS?!" a boy yelled finishing my thought. "yo matt calm down bro haha" another boy said trying to calm him down.(matt is a tiktok boy, his insta is @ trvgiic in case u dont know who he is) "no because we do this shit every year, every fucking day, its literally the 2nd semester" he said frustrated while walking in class. 'wow he had anger issues..but did he lie?' i thought to myself.

i continued on my adventure to finding me class. hoping that i wouldnt get in trouble for not being in class. i was hardly noticing where i was going, i was so focused on my paper i-

*bump* i fell on the floor, ass first

"ahhh shit-" i said. "yo what the fuck? watch where your fucking going-" boy slightly shouted at me. we both made eye contact for a couple of seconds. i dont know what it was but something seemed familiar bout him.

"who the fuck are you staring at bitch?" the boy questioned.

i didnt say anything. i couldnt say anything. he was tall, looked strong. he had blackish brown hair with almost dark coffee eyes.

"HELLO?! are you going to fucking answer me or just sit there like a fucking weirdo?" the boy shouted. "i- im sorry, im just uhm new here, and-and i was trying to see where my class were and i didnt pay attention to where i was going-" i tried to explain "yeah yeah, i didnt ask for a dumb as story. next time watch where your fucking going or you'll regret it" the boy said walking off "fottuto idiota" the boy mumbeled (translate: fucking idiot or you fucking idiot, sorry im not fluent in Italian so correct me if im wrong)

i felt my heart pounding. i was intimidated by him. 'he didnt even offer to help me find my class' i thought to myself. i got up and brushed myself off. i decided to just go in a random class and ask a teacher. i walked in the class the boy named matt and his friend was in.

"uh uhm.. hello. my name is kairi..sorry to interrupt but.. im new and lost and i cant find my classroom.." i told the teacher. "oh yes, well let me see." the teacher asked with her hand out. i gave her the paper and she examined it. "mm yes, ok i will have one of my students show you.. uhmm hmm lets see." she said looking around the classroom. "matt. do you mind helping this student get to his class?" she asked him. "ohhh my fuckingg GOD. yes i fucking do mind. he has legs, and he has ears, why dont you tell him where to go and he can make his way there." matt replied rudely. "look matt, its too early to argue with you, go do it or im suspending you" the teacher threatened. "oh my fuc- FINE" matt said aggressively getting up. "good." the teacher said going back to teaching. matt came up to me and examined me. "hey your pretty fuckin short haha" he said laughing. "ogey.." i quietly said. "im just joking around. let me see the paper" he said calmingly. 'soooo is this man bipolar or is he just soft when no ones around? and if thats so why is he acting soft towards me?' i thought. i handed him the paper. "oh yeah i got his class, cmon" he said pulling my hand. i sorta flinched when he grabbed my hand because he was also scary. "oh no dude. im sorry, i wasnt gonna hurt cha" he said giving out a small chuckle. i looked at him hesitantly. "uh. lets just go" he said scratching his head. he starting walking and i followed. not a moment later we arrived.

"here we are." matt says handing me the paper. "good luck chump. mattia in there" he said patting my shoulder. 'who the fuck is mattia?' i thought to myself. i opened the door and i think i instantly knew who he meant.

the boy from earlier was in my class.. 'great! now i gotta spend the rest of the hour with his ass.' i thought to myself. "uhm new-" i told the teacher "oh yess yes yes. new student. almost forgot. ahem. ok everyone calm down we have a new student here, and hes going to introduce himself!" the teacher insisted. 'brUh i wasnt prepared for this' "i- uhm.. i.-" i said stutteringly say. "yoo you finna speak or what? you wasting time. i already dont wanna be in this fucking class." the boy from earlier interrupted. "dont listen to him, take your time" the teacher comforted me. "im sorry, uhm, my names kairi and..uh and i-" i looked over at the group of students and one of them stood out for me..

IT WAS ALVARO. he hadnt noticed me yet. "uhh yeah yeah, my name is kairi, and i like to play video games and do tik toks and stuff like that. im looking forward to being in this class with you all" i said rushingly. "oh wow.. thank you-" before the teacher could finish his sentence i rushed over to the empty seat where alvaro was. his head was facing the ground so i doubt he was listening to me. i totally forgot he went here. i sat down and set my backpack on the back of my chair. "psst Edgar" i whispered. alvaro slowly looked up and his face lifted. "KAIRI!-" alvaro shouted almost hugging me. "mr. romero do not shout in my class" the teacher told alvaro. "sorry" alvaro apologized and we both looked at each other and laughed. i felt a presence staring at me but i decided to ignore it since alvaro was talking to me. "- i got so much to tell you we should talk at lunch" alvaro said. "yeah of course" i replied. a couple of mins later the bell rung and class was over. "dont forget to review those chapters. KNOWLEDGE IS LIFE" the teacher shouted.

i grabbed my stuff and waved at alvaro. we both went our separate ways to our other classes and such.'mannn my boy alvaro here. this shit finna be a BREEZE' i thought to myself. but little did i know after lunch was going to change my life.


no cap this was kinda ass. LMFAO i got home at like 6:12 or sum and said "im finna get this chapter done and then do my homework. I LIT RAL LY SPENT HOURS ON NOTHING! LFMAO. but hope yall enjoy this shitty chapter. i feel like mattia wasnt bad enough so next chapter we will see how bad he can get ;)

insta: @robertsfavoritesimp

word count:1374

finished at 11pm

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