*Cries in gay*| chapter 33

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The people have spoken😌
It was 5 against 3

Kairis pov

Alvaro texted me and asked if i was still going to the party.

Slat king👉🏼👎🏼
Him: you on your way yet?

No. Why? You already there?:me

Him: uhh yeah. I wanted to see what we was getting into before u know

Oh. Makes sense :me

Him: so when you coming?

Uhh idk my mom kinda being :me
overprotective rn so i might need to sneak out

Him: hm ight just let me know

Ight :me

I turned off my phone and got my stuff together. Aint no way in hell am i finna miss out on a party while im bored here with him.

I snuck out the bathroom but mattia caught me.

"Where you goin?" Mattia asked
"Downstairs. Im kinda hungry" i told him
"Your still dressed" he told me

 Im kinda hungry" i told him"Your still dressed" he told me

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Thats what i was wearing

(Can yall see kairi wearing this? Idk if i can :/)

"Oh im gonna take it off later cause im lazy right now" i told him
"Hm well ok. Can you make me some more nutella bread? That was good" he asked
"Hmm sure" i told him and rushed downstairs

I actually did make him some Nutella bread, so it would make him less mad that i left, but after i set down his food I quietly snuck out.

I got on my skateboard and went to the location alvaro sent me

(Im sorry this part isn't realistic, he needed some way to get there and he would not be able to walk that far to ale house soo cool skateboard doode it is💀)

Mattias pov

Its been a while since kairi told me he was getting some food from the kitchen but he hasnt came back up yet. Nor did i hear anything.

I went to go investigate and went in the kitchen.

No sight of him.

"Honey! You down here somewhere?" I shouted hoping for a response back.

I looked on the counter where i found some Nutella bread and a letter.

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