coming out | 38

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kairis pov

i walked to my moms room as mattia followed me.

i took a deep breath and knocked on her door.

"maa, can i come in?" i shouted
"omg kairi. come in" she told me

"what you want?" she asked

mattia had came up behind me and rubbed my back. he then held my hand and whispered.

"you got this honey"

i looked at our hands and him and back to my mom. i took another deep breath and finally spoke.

"mom. im in love with mattia" i said while squeezing my eyes closed.

she didnt say anything for a short while but then spoke.

"ok? thats all?" she said

i looked up in confusion.

"wait, what do you mean?" i asked

"i dont really care, im your mother, i support" she said while laying back down.

"really?!" mattia questioned

"yes. now get out so i can sleep. unless yall want me to be homophobic" she said while putting the covers back over her.

me and mattia looked at each other and smiled. we ran out the door and shut it behind he and went back to my room.

once we both was in my room we looked at each other and ran and gave each other a hug.

"baby she accepts us" mattia said
"she does!" i said

mattia pulled away slightly and leaned back in to kiss me.

we kissed for a short while and pulled away from each other.

"but.. you do know you have to tell your parents right?" i told him
"ughh babee why?! can we not ruin this happy moment" mattia whined.
"but mattia if i had to do it so do you. also i dont want you to get in more trouble if they find out without you telling them" i explained
"honey. i might get in trouble either way." he said
"better safe than sorry." i told him

mattia groaned but finally gave in.

"fineee only because i hate when you make that dumbass cute face" mattia said while rolling his eyes

"i dont know what your talking about" i said while smirking.

"yeah yeah, i will be back" mattia said while letting go of me and grabbing his coat.

"your going to tell them now?" i asked
"yeah, might as well get it out the way while im still sober" mattia said.
"oh well hold on, i need my shoe-" i tried speaking but mattia cut me off.
"nuh uh honey. stay here, i dont want you getting hurt now" mattia said while kissing my forehead after finishing his sentence.

"but i wanna be there for you" i said making a sad face.
"i know you do but i also dont want you getting in any danger. stay here and i will be back" he told me
"fine.." i sighed
"would you like some food?" he asked
"no im good" i told him.
"hmm ok" mattia said while walking off. i sat on my bed and laid down.

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