"y-yes daddy" | chapter 2

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a/n: i honestly wasnt planning on publishing today (jan 30th) but since im already up at 1am i might ass well make this chapter until its time for me to go to school, cuz like.. fuck it yolo. i have insomnia issues so its not like im forcing myself to stay up. ane ways lemme stfu

kairis pov

it was time for lunch and i only had one more class (ik that doesnt make realistic sense but oh well) i followed the paper once again to the cafeteria. a couple of mins i finally get there. i went inside and instantly looked for alvaro. it took me a while but i noticed his big ass head. i waved over to him and he waved back.

"im glad you got a big ass head, other wise i would have never found you" i said jokingly. "shut cho olaf head ass up" he pounced back. "oh shush. anyways what have you been up to man? you stopped texting me" i asked curiously. "oh man, im sorry dude. school is a bitch! and it be so much drama here i cant even text nobody without feelin some type of way" alvaro explained. " ay bro, its ight, at least we can see each other at school now haha" i said nudging him. "yeah i guess so, i only made two friends since ive been here" alvaro said putting his head down. "oh yeah? where they at doe?" i said curiously. "they should be he-" alvaro was suddenly cut off. "YOOO VAROO" a boy with a big ass nose yelled. "sup aloe" another boy greeted while brushing a wig in his hands. they both sat down at the table. "sup guys, lemme introduce you to my middle school frienddd" alvaro said sitting up and pointing to me. "uh h-hey my name is kairi" i hesitantly say. "sup dude, im roshaun" roshaun held out his hand putting his wig down. i shook his hand kindly. "yeah hey im robert" robert said smiling while fist bumping me. "great now yall know each other. now let me just lay here" alvaro said while yawning. "haha ok dude" roshaun said going back to brushing his wig. robert just kept staring at me so when i noticed i quickly got nervous and got on my phone scrolling through tik tok. "oh you do tik tok too?" robert asked. "uhh yeah when im bored.." i said shyly. "COOL! we all do tik toks, im better than both of them-" robert was interrupted "cap!" roshaun shouted. we all laughed.

"yo! this is your 5th fucking time! i dont care bitch, if you wanna leave then leave!" someone shouted. it sounded familiar so i turned around and so did the others. it was mattia. shouting at some girl, she looked guilty but not sad? i dont even know. it looked like she knew she did something wrong and felt bad. yeah thats a better way to describe it.

"your so fucking dumb, i dont even know why im still with a gold digging ass bitch like you!" mattia yelled. "baby im so sorr-" the girl said almost begging. "keep your pity ass apology, and get the fuck out my face" mattia said pointing into the opposite direction. she left in the direction mattia pointed in.

"yeah thats mattia and cynthia, they've been on and off-" matt said coming out of no where.(i was finna put jenna but cythia owns this role) he startled me and made me jump. "woahh sorry, didnt mean to scare ya haha" matt said sitting down. "uh huhh" i said not believing him, "sorry, i felt like i didnt give myself a proper introduction earlier. names matt" "k-kairi" i told him. "yeah, i just wanted to apologize if i intimidated you in any way. i just have really bad anger issues sometimes heh" matt said scratching his head. "its all good" i said smiling. "uhmm yeah, thats really all i gotta say, so i will see ya aroun-" matt was interrupted. "oh would you mind staying and hanging out with us?" i asked tugging at his sweatsHIrttTtT (jacob saggy tiddies tease) ane ways. he looked at me and smiled. "sorry i promised my friends i would take some pictures with them. maybe some other time, ok?" matt said. "hmm ok" i said forcing a smile. i wanted to get to know him, he seems like a wild card.(no this isnt kairi x matt ff wtf..unless?) he walked out the cafeteria. i had completely forgotten bout mattia, so i looked back to where he was and seen him still angry, but on his phone. i guess i was starting too hard or something but it looked like he was watching two boys kiss. now ive always been straight, but i have nothing against lgbtq+ people ya know? i was staring for too long because he caught me and gave me a serious glance, but then soon started smirking. he got up and walked passed me. the smell of his cologne hit me and made me want to smell more. "yo man we finna leave, u wanna go?" roshaun asked me. "like leave leave or leave here?" i asked "leave leave" robert butted in. "oh if you mean skip then im good, because it is my first day after all. my mom would kill me if she found out that i skipped the first day of school" i said. "hmm ight kid, see ya" they all got up and walked off. it was only me. and i was bored, and curious to what mattia was doing for some reason. BECAUSE YOU DONT WATCH TWO DUDES KISSING AND THE WALK PASS SOMEONE THAT WAS LOOKING AT YOU AND NOT DO ANYTHING! or is that just me?

i didnt want to think about it too hard. i just followed and guessed where he headed. i noticed there was a bathroom, but it looked unused. 'fuck it' i thought and went inside. i walked in and looked around. 'oh yeah, people definitely dont use this bathroom' i thought to myself. not moment after something yanked me and pushed me to the wall, pinning me down.

"what do you think your doing?" mattia said smirking. "and i would watch your words if i was you" mattia continued. "i-i uhm i.." i tried saying something but nothing would come out. "are you scared" mattia said getting closer to my face. "i- im not" i mumbled. "oh, is that right" mattia said pulling my chin up and grabbing my face while leaning in to my ear "listen here shorty.. next time you look at my phone, or if i even catch you staring at me, with your mouth wide open..imma put your mouth to good use. dont tell anyone what you saw" he said leaning his head back, but still holding my chin. "you understand?" mattia asked. i nodded. "nah thats not enough for me, i wanna hear you say 'yes daddy'" mattia mischievously smiled. what the fuck did he want me to say?! do he think im gay? "i-im not g-gay-" i tried to tell him "your dick says otherwise. and even so, why would you think i care?" mattia said curiously but letting out a little laugh. my dick was starting to twitch. 'WHAT THE HELL PP? ur suppose to be on my side!' i thought to myself. "so i will ask you this again.. do you understand?" mattia said gripping my chin. "y-yes daddy" i hesitantly say. mattia laughed. "good. im glad we're on the same page" mattia said. he pushed me against the wall, causing me to fall in pain. "you better be getting to class shorty. toodles" mattia said laughing while walking casually out the bathroom.

'fuck! im hard' i thought


soooo yes ik matt doesnt live in jersey but still i wanted to add more tik tok ppl in, instead of just the jersey boys, so if u have suggestions msgs me or comments <3


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