Chapter 4

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[continuation from Chapter 3]

The two didn't say a word to each other for the longest time as Seonghwa tended to the wounds on Hongjoong's wrists. Once he cleaned the wounds completely, Seonghwa got up from the side of the tub momentarily to grab a first aid kit from beneath the sink in the bathroom, and quickly returned to Hongjoong's side.

"I..." Seonghwa hesitated as he opened the kit, grabbing a thing of peroxide to disinfect the wounds and sutures. "I really am sorry.  I don't know what else to say other than that. I'm so, so sorry." His voice sounded sincere as he apologized, which was something Seonghwa never did.

Hongjoong just stared at him with a blank expression on his face. He didn't know how to feel about the blonde-haired male's apology, he had mixed feelings.

When Hongjoong didn't reply, Seonghwa just decided to leave it alone. Seonghwa unscrewed the bottle of peroxide, grabbing one of Hongjoong's wrists gently.

"This is going to hurt a lot... I'm sorry." Seonghwa said before pouring the liquid directly into the wound.

Hongjoong immediately winced, jerking a bit from the burning sensation. He let out a whine of pain, biting on his bottom lip hard.

Seonghwa could feel his chest clench at the red-haired male's cries of pain, but he didn't falter. He then took the sutures that he prepared, hesitating slightly before he began to stitch up the first wound.

Hongjoong tried not to move as his wrists were being stitched, but the feeling of the needle piercing and threading through his skin was horrible. He arched his back in the tub, crying out pathetically.

"I'm sorry..." Seonghwa said with a tone full of regret as he finished stitching up the one wrist.

Seonghwa then proceeded to do the same thing to the other wrist. By this time, Hongjoong was in tears, sobs of pain escaping from him.

Once Seonghwa was finished, he himself almost teared up from hearing the sobs from the smaller male, but he managed to keep his composure.

Hongjoong began to calm down once he was finished, swallowing hard as his wrists throbbed. He held them close to his chest, just staring down into the now pinkish colored water.

"Please... Clean up. I'll be waiting outside with some clean clothes for you..." Seonghwa said in a soft tone, unable to look at Hongjoong as he stood up, soon exiting the bathroom.

Hongjoong looked up as he watched the taller male walk out of the bathroom. He was trying to gather all the thoughts in his head, his feelings were so mixed in this situation. Seonghwa had locked him up in a fit of rage, then proceeded to show remorse and tend to his wounds, it was a complete 180.

After a moment, Hongjoong drained the dirty water in the tub, soon filing it back up with clean water. He then began to clean himself up, being extremely mindful of the fresh stitches in his wrists.

Once he was finished, he drained the water again, grabbing a white towel from the metal rack beside the tub as he stepped onto a wool bathroom mat. Wrapping the towel around his waist, he slowly came out of the bathroom, where he saw Seonghwa sitting upon his bed with a pair of clothes sitting beside him.

The taller male was hunched over, his head resting in his hands as he gripped two fists full of his blonde hair tightly. As Hongjoong approached, that's when he heard soft sniffles coming from Seonghwa. Hongjoong was taken back by this discovery, the other male truly seemed regretful of the whole situation.

Seonghwa noticed that Hongjoong had come out of the bathroom, lifting his head to look at him as he wiped a few tears away from his face with the sleeves of his shirt. He was quick to compose himself, clearing his throat as he stood up.

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