Chapter 15

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After Seonghwa popped the big question to Hongjoong, the two wasted no time in planning everything for the day that they would officially become married. Of course, within less than a week, the media exploded at the sudden, shocking news.

To Hongjoong, it all seemed so surreal, he would be marrying the most wealthy man in June, as well as the most dangerous. No one else ever saw the side of Seonghwa that he did. While he was dealing with business matters and getting things done, he was the same untouchable, ruthless man that everyone else knew. But when Seonghwa was with Hongjoong, he was a totally different person. He was kinder in nature, caring, and held Hongjoong high out of reach from harm as much as possible. There wasn't anything in the world that would be of more importance than his lover.

About a month later, the day that the two would finally elope had arrived. Hongjoong didn't want anything lavish, but of course, Seonghwa wasn't just going to plan something small. He'd eventually convinced Hongjoong to agree to a big event. Everyone and anyone with a big name were going to be there, and it was honestly shocking at how many people Seonghwa actually knew. But of course, most of the attendees were fellow clients or people he'd worked with before.

That morning, just before the sun broke over the horizon, Seonghwa had woken up from the irritant beeping of the alarm clock beside his bed on the nightstand.

Seonghwa groaned softly, throwing a hand out as he slapped his hand onto the button, turning the alarm off. He let out a tired sigh, rolling over in bed where he laid eyes on a still sleeping Hongjoong next to him. Hongjoong always slept through the alarm no matter how loud or how long it would go off, just sound asleep like a baby. Seonghwa was always so envious of how flawless the smaller male looked even when he was asleep, messy hair cascading in his face, his mouth slightly gaped open as gentle snores came from his mouth.

The black-haired male smiled softly, sitting up a bit as he began placing gentle kisses along Hongjoong's jawline softly.

"Wake up, Joong... Come back from dreamland, we have a big day." Seonghwa cooed sweetly, trying to wake Hongjoong up in a gentle manner.

Hongjoong frowned slightly in his sleep, letting out a small whine before he turned over onto his other side, facing away from Seonghwa. Seonghwa let out a small chuckle, scooting up close behind the smaller male. He pulled the blankets off of Hongjoong who was completely bare underneath. The two had a long, intimate night together, so both of them were still lacking articles of clothing. Seonghwa now took his fingertips and dragged them gently along the soft skin of Hongjoong's thigh.

"Wake uuuup..." Seonghwa said once more in a sing-songy tone.

As Hongjoong began to wake up, he let out a tired sigh, his eyes fluttering open slowly. Seonghwa started placing sweet kisses on Hongjoong's shoulder, trailing them down into his neck and up to his earlobe, then nibbling softly on the tip of his earlobe.

Hongjoong smiled a bit, being tickled by the sensation, and he stirred to pull away from Seonghwa.

"Leave me alone, Seonghwa... I'm tired. Just five more minutes, and I'll get up, I promise." Hongjoong said with a tired tone, his eyes closing once again.

"We have so many things to do today before our guests arrive, we need to get up," Seonghwa whispered into the smaller male's ear. "Get up, Joong..."

Hongjoong groaned as he suddenly rolled back over, his eyes wide open looking at Seonghwa.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're the most annoying person in the morning?" Hongjoong said with a yawn, then rolled his eyes slightly.

"Well if someone hadn't wanted to go more than one round last night, you wouldn't be tired like this, would you?" Seonghwa teased before giving his lover a sweet kiss on the lips.

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