Chapter 19

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Next day...


After the meeting that Seonghwa had the day prior, he'd been acting a bit off, more than usual. Hongjoong wasn't there for the meeting, his services weren't needed, so he did as he was told and stayed in his room while the meeting commenced. He didn't even see who it was, he was supposed to stay in his room before and after the meeting for privacy purposes, which was strange to begin with. Seonghwa always had Hongjoong in the room regardless of who was coming to see him, but this time was different.

Seonghwa acted as if everything had gone well, but he seemed to be stuck with one foot in his train of thought and the other in reality. He was more spacey, hardly paying attention to Hongjoong when he would try to interact with him.

That morning, the consistent tapping of keyboard keys had somehow woken Hongjoong up from a deep sleep as he laid curled up in Seonghwa's bed. Rubbing his face, Hongjoong drew a deep breath while rolling over to face the other side of the room. He opened his eyes, seeing his lover neatly dressed and finely groomed while he worked at his desk.

"Seonghwa? You're already working? This early in the morning?" Hongjoong asked in a raspy, tired tone as he sat up slowly in bed.

Seonghwa glanced at Hongjoong for a brief moment before he turned back to his computer screen. "I have some things to set in place, time to clean up a few things..."

Hongjoong furrowed his brows slightly and cocked his head. "What are you talking about? What do you have to clean up?"

"Come here..." Seonghwa signaled towards himself with two fingers before sitting back in his chair. "I want to tell you something important, and you're probably not going to like it."

"O..kay?" Hongjoong said with slight suspicion in his voice.

The smaller male crawled over the bed slowly, getting up off the bed to walk over towards Seonghwa's desk. He brushed some of the messy white hair from his face as he stood at his lover's side.

"What is it?"

Seonghwa turned in his computer chair to face Hongjoong, then grabbed his hand gently and pulled him down into his lap. Hongjoong draped his arms loosely around the taller male's neck while Seonghwa held onto his waist.

"First of all, good morning," Seonghwa said with a warm smile, placing a subtle kiss upon Hongjoong's cheek.

"I know what you're doing... Don't kiss my ass, just tell me what's going on." Hongjoong huffed out softly as he raised a brow at Seonghwa.

Seonghwa pursed his lips together, a heavy sigh escaping through his nose. "Yesterday, I had a meeting with Hana, and-"

"Hana?!" Hongjoong exclaimed with widened eyes. "Why did you meet with Hana? Why didn't you have me there?"

"Relax, calm down." Seonghwa shook his head a bit. "It's not as serious as you think it is."

"What do you mean it's not serious? May I remind you of the events that happened on our WEDDING DAY? Do you even recall the things that happened?"

Seonghwa clenched his jaw slightly, shooting a look at Hongjoong. "Yes. I remember everything very clearly. I'm VERY aware of what happened, Hongjoong." Seonghwa's tone was snappy, a warning to Hongjoong to not step any further over the line.

Hongjoong suddenly looked down into his lap. "I-I'm sorry... Too far, I know. It's just... What does Hana want with us now? I mean it's been WEEKS since hell broke loose. Why is she just now reaching out after all this time?"

"Samuel's will was released by his lawyer last week..." Seonghwa began as he licked the inside of his cheek. "According to the will, I've been left everything. The money, the whole operation... And Hana is trying to convince me to take over."

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