Chapter 5

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For the next few days, Seonghwa had Hongjoong fetch information for him for about 7 different people. Seonghwa didn't even need to tell him the reasons why he needed information on these people anymore, Hongjoong basically did everything that was asked of him. Which, was actually just what Seonghwa had wanted from him. Now that he had the red-haired male wrapped around his little pinky, it only just made his job easier.

One day Hongjoong had arrived at Seonghwa's estate, clearly seeming a little off after learning about something suspicious on the news earlier that morning. When he got there, the maid that answered the door and told him he needed to wait in the living area because Seonghwa was in the middle of an appointment.

Bouncing his knee nervously as he sat upon a white leather couch, he looked at his phone and noticed forty-five minutes had passed since he arrived.

What the hell is taking him so long? Hongjoong thought to himself, looking around the place impatiently.

Finally, he stood up from the couch, sneaking over to the hallway so the staff didn't catch him and stop him. He walked urgently down the hall, stopping in his tracks once he got to the bedroom door. Hongjoong could hear weird noises coming from inside, unable to quite make out what exactly they were, but he wasn't about to wait around to find out.

Hongjoong pushed open the door. "Seonghwa I'm sorry but-" He immediately fell silent when he noticed what was going on.

Seonghwa was sitting on the front of his desk with a smaller male in front of him, his hands placed lowly on the other male's hips, seeming to be whispering something in his ear when he stopped and noticed Hongjoong.

"Alright... You need to leave. Something of greater importance has arrived." Seonghwa said in a dismissive tone, slightly pushing the other male away from him.

"But, I-"

"I said... Leave. Now!" Seonghwa barked at him.

The other male quickly dropped his head, turning to leave as he made his way to the door. Hongjoong made eye contact with him briefly as he walked past to exit the room. Hongjoong then squinted his eyes as he looked at Seonghwa.

"And what the fuck was that?" Hongjoong questioned as he walked right up to the blonde-haired male.

Seonghwa rolled his eyes slightly. "Nothing important, just handling some business."

"Handling business? It looked more like you were handling him more than your business." Hongjoong said bitterly, crossing his arms over his chest.

Seonghwa sighed softly, pushing off of his desk as he stood onto his feet, getting close to Hongjoong. He reached out a hand as he attempted to pull Hongjoong to him, but the smaller male immediately took a step back.

"You know what? I don't give a shit who you're messing with. I'm not here for your bullshit affection anyways." Hongjoong spat, letting out a scoff as he shook his head.

"Excuse me?" Seonghwa's face began to form a deep frown, tilting his head a bit.

"I know you've seen the news. The man I gave you information on yesterday? His body was found in the fucking river this morning, Seonghwa." Hongjoong pointed out, clearly seeming suspicious.

Seonghwa let out a laugh. "What? You think that I had anything to do with it?" He sounded appalled at what Hongjoong was implying.

"There's no way it was just a coincidence, Seonghwa. I gave you the information last night, and he's suddenly found floating along the fucking river this morning. For someone who hates liars, you seem to be doing a great job of being one yourself." Hongjoong sounded angry.

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