Chapter 8

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Hongjoong wasn't the same after the incident with San Choi, his spirit seemed severely damaged and his attitude had done a whole 180. He had recurring nightmares night after night, playing out every moment in his dreams over and over again. He couldn't escape it no matter what he did.

After what happened, Seonghwa couldn't leave Hongjoong on his own anymore, he was afraid something would happen to him when he wasn't there because of how self-destructive he had become. So upon convincing the red-haired male to move in, Hongjoong had begun living with Seonghwa by the week was up. Seonghwa had most of his things brought to the estate, even his cat Bokki.

One morning, Seonghwa had woken up earlier than usual, around the time that the sun would be starting to peek its head over the horizon. Hongjoong stayed in the spare bedroom that was just on the other side of Seonghwa's, so he decided he would check on him just to calm his worried conscience.

Seonghwa threw on a black silk robe, tying the string around his waist loosely. He then made out of his room quietly, going over to Hongjoong's bedroom. When he opened the door, he expected to see the smaller male curled up and asleep in bed, but that wasn't the case. Hongjoong wasn't even in the room but his cat was curled up in the bed, and this made panic begin to surge through Seonghwa's body.

Where the hell is he? He thought to himself, leaving the room as he rushed down the hall.

Seonghwa came out to the living area, glancing out of the large windows that gave a panoramic view of the pool outside. When he saw Hongjoong sitting at the edge of the pool, relief waved over him. Seonghwa made his way outside quickly, approaching the smaller male.

"Yah... Why are you out here? I went to check on you, and I was scared when I didn't see you there." Seonghwa said as he knelt beside Hongjoong, looking over at him.

Hongjoong's head was held lowly as he stared blankly at the water. "I... I couldn't sleep. I needed some fresh air." The smaller male softly, not bothering to look at Seonghwa.

"How... How are you feeling?" Seonghwa questioned as he then sat down. "Can you look at me please?"

Hongjoong clenched his jaw softly, turning his head as he looked over at Seonghwa. His dark-colored eyes were so empty of life, remainders of bruises displayed on his face. He didn't say anything to Seonghwa, he just stared at him as if his mind were somewhere else but there.

"There's my sweet boy..."Seonghwa said sweetly. "Your bruises seem to be going away."

Seonghwa reached a hand out to touch Hongjoong's cheek, but before his hand even touched, Hongjoong seemed to flinch and move away slightly. Seonghwa hated seeing him like this. He just closed his hand and pulled away from him.

"I'm sorry." Seonghwa apologized, nodding his head subtly. "I forgot you don't want me touching you."

Hongjoong blinked a few times as he looked towards the ground with a sad expression. Suddenly, the smaller male scooted closer to Seonghwa, snaking his arms around his torso as he leaned into his chest.

"Just hold me..." Hongjoong said with a small whine.

Seonghwa gave a pitiful smile, cautiously wrapping his arms around Hongjoong. He held onto him securely, he wanted him to feel safe, but he knew Hongjoong wouldn't feel safe for a long time. They held each other as the color of the sky began to change to a soft blend of yellow and blue, the sun rising higher in the sky.

"Seonghwa..." Hongjoong began, letting out a quiet sigh. "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. Every time I wake up, I'm filled with dread because I'm still here."

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