Chapter 22

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Over the next few weeks, Seonghwa and Hongjoong had agreed to start going through marriage counseling. They didn't want their relationship to end, but in order to prevent that from happening, they needed serious help to learn how to function as a loving, accepting couple.

The first few sessions were very rocky as they were trying to search out each other's flaws, but the more they stuck to the counseling, the easier it was to communicate and work through their usual petty squabbles. 

Hongjoong was becoming more accepting of the way Seonghwa was doing his work, he didn't push him as much, he learned to be more patient with him. Seonghwa had started making more time for his husband, treating him with more respect and putting him over his work every time, treating him more as a husband than an employee. He was learning to keep true to his word than finding loopholes. 

Everything was progressing smoothly, but that was going to be jostled by a lingering problem that hadn't been swept under the rug yet.

Just after breakfast one day, Hongjoong had finished the paperwork he had been working on for the past couple of days, so he was going to bring it to Seonghwa to review.

Walking into Seonghwa's bedroom, looking through the files as he approached the desk. "Okay, so I've finished gathering all we needed to know about that company up north, but I don't know if this-" Hongjoong trailed off when he looked up and didn't see Seonghwa sitting at his desk.

The smaller male was confused because he had just been there not too long ago. He then felt a pair of hands grab onto his hips from behind and a pair of soft lips against his ear.

"Got you... Hands up or I'll shoot." Seonghwa's voice taunted in a playful manner.

Hongjoong smirked a bit as he tossed the paperwork onto Seonghwa's desk, then he turned around to face the taller male. "And if I don't put my hands up?" 

"I suggest you do before I have to use force," Seonghwa spoke in a seductive tone, leaning his face closer to Hongjoong's

The white-haired male gave a small laugh before finally lifting his hands into the air. Seonghwa reached out and grabbed Hongjoong's wrists softly, putting them behind Hongjoong's back and pinning them there with his hands. He then brought the smaller male close, placing a sweet, passion-filled kiss upon the soft flesh of his lips. Longing sighs escaped from their mouths as the kiss became more and more heated. 

The moment was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. One of Seonghwa's many assistants had entered the room.

"Sir..." The man began while clearing his throat. "Your first client has arrived for their appointment. Are you busy?"

Seonghwa broke the kiss with an annoyed sigh. "Yes, I'm-"

"No, we're not," Hongjoong said with an awkward laugh, looking up at Seonghwa as he gently pulled away from his grasp. "Don't keep them waiting. We have all the time in the world to carry this on later."

"But, Joong-" Seonghwa began before the smaller male cut him off with a gentle peck on the lips. 

"Go on... I need to make a few phone calls anyways. We'll finish later for sure." Hongjoong reassured with a smile.

Seonghwa let out a small grunt before finally nodding his head. "Alright... I'll try to get through these appointments quickly then."

Hongjoong reached out a hand, gently tapping Seonghwa's cheek. "You better. You know I'm not patient."

As Hongjoong started walking away, he could hear the taller male let out a slight laugh from his remark. Running a hand through his hair, he started walking down the hall towards the living area where the first client would be waiting. He came out into the living area, laying eyes on two men that were all too familiar to him.

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