Chapter 10

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About a week or so had passed since Seonghwa was shot, and he was finally getting released from the hospital to go home that evening. Hongjoong had spent every waking moment at Seonghwa's side, even when Seonghwa tried to convince him to go home, he wasn't leaving him no matter what. But while he was there, Hongjoong had also begun to receive psychological treatment for the excessive emotional trauma he'd gone through.

The incident was obviously covered up by the police, articles said it was a gang-related robbery gone wrong, and of course, it was swept under the rug like every other case that Seonghwa was involved in. Seonghwa's name wasn't even mentioned, neither was Hongjoong's name, they had both slipped out from under the heat of the situation, unnoticed.

When Seonghwa was released, he and Hongjoong returned back to his home later in the evening, which was a great relief to them both, Hongjoong especially. Hongjoong didn't get a whole lot of sleep while at the hospital, but now that they were home we would be able to rest easy.

"I can't even begin to express how glad I am to be back here. That hospital room was so tiny and cramped." Seonghwa sighed out as he walked in through the front door with Hongjoong.

"Okay, not every place is going to be as excessively large as this place, Seonghwa..." Hongjoong teased as he began walking towards the hallway with a bag of Seonghwa's stuff that he had at the hospital. "Spoiled, aren't you?"

Seonghwa looked over at Hongjoong with a slight smile. Ever since Hongjoong finally agreed to receive treatment, he could tell that there was a very slight improvement in his behavior. Hongjoong was back to cracking jokes, even teasing Seonghwa every once in a while as he had before, but he still struggled with disassociated episodes and the nightmares. The medications that he was put on helped for the most part.

"I am not spoiled. How rude of you to think so." Seonghwa said with a pout as he followed behind Hongjoong.

"Says the man who literally won't spend his money on anything if it's under $500." Hongjoong walked into Seonghwa's bedroom as he sat the bag he was carrying on the bed.

Seonghwa let out a slight laugh as he stood in the doorway, leaning against the door frame. "That is so not true. These accusations you're making are incredibly hurtful."

"Are you sure the pain you're feeling isn't just the gunshot wound on your chest?" Hongjoong glanced at Seonghwa over his shoulder with a slight grin. 

"Oh-ho-ho-ho... Look at you getting your attitude back. What a fun time it'll be for us all?" Seonghwa had a playfully sarcastic tone. "Remember I don't like that attitude of yours."

"Oh? Are you threatening me?" Hongjoong questioned as he began to unpack the bag before him.

"Maybe, maybe not. Depends if you continue to provoke me like that." Seonghwa said with a shrug, pushing off the door frame as he walked over towards the bed.

"There's not much you can really do about it now is there?" Hongjoong raised a brow as he had come back over to the bag after putting some stuff away. 

"Mm... I wouldn't say that." Seonghwa tilted his head, a small smirk curling the corner of his lip. "How about you come over here and find out?"

Hongjoong rolled his eyes before he shook his head. "I'd rather not. I know what exactly is going through that mind of yours, and the doctor said no vigorous activities for 3 weeks."

"Since when did you become my mother?" Seonghwa gave another pout, crawling onto the bed and grabbing the bag as he threw it to the ground.

Seonghwa was on his knees on the bed in front of Hongjoong, his signature charming smile plastered on his lips.

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