Broken Charm(2)

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Preeta's POV

Was he really here? Karan. I was seeing him in front of me. Something inside me wanted to go and hug him while a part of me wanted to run away from him. The only hook up of my life had landed me in such a big trouble

"Hii",he gave me a small smile.

"Hello sir",I smiled back. We were ought to keep it professional in every single way. I sat in front of him.

"So you are my personal secretary and you work is to...", he started explaining me my work while I was just sitting there cherishing his presence, memories of that night flashing my mind.

"Anything else u want to say or ask Preeta?", I came back to senses and signed no.

"Then start working", I stood up nodding.

"Thank u sir", I turned to leave. He didn't try to make it awkward for me. He almost behaved as if he forgot that night. Did he really forget everything?

"Preeta",I turned hear him saying my name.

"Yes sir",I gave him a questioning look.

"Nothing..You can leave",he smiled lightly. I turned a bit confused and moved out towards my desk.

The rest of day I tried figuring out the company rules and my job requirements. We didn't interact much. It was the time to leave. Everyone around was welcoming and left waving at me.

I saw Karan still working in his cabin. He should go home. I bothered to gave a knock on his cabin's door. He asked me to leave without even looking up.

"Karan",I opened the door of his cabin.

"Oh sorry Preeta..I thought it was guard..What happened?",he asked calmly.

"Its not late..You should go home",I suggested him.

"No I'll just complete it and go..U can go..Text me once you reach..Its late or should I send driver with you",I smiled at his concern.

"Its fine..I'll go..Take care of yourself",I closed the door. He resumed working while I kept my bag on the desk and moved to cafeteria. I made a coffee for him and went to his cabin again.

"You didn't leave?",he asked as I opened the door.

"Just going..Coffee for you",I placed the coffee mug in front of me and turned to leave.

"Thank you", he smiled. I smiled back and left taking the taxi.

I texted him reaching my apartment and slept tired.

Karan's POV

The coffee was perfect as she was. I completed my work and went back home.

It had been one month since she joined.  We both did manage to stay within our professional boundaries. Her prsence was more than enough for me but still issues never end. Ahana did see both of us together when she mistakenly tripped and I held her through waist. Obviously, I won't let her fall ever. Ahana misinterpreted the situation and the entire office gossiped about her but we didn't care. As long as we're right, nothing can go wrong. After that, I purposely used to maintain a distance from her and she did the same. She used to come with my schedule, coffee and accompanied me to meetings and that was enough for me to know she was there around me.

"Sir the files..",I came back to senses as she passed me some files.

I took the files and my hand brushed against hers. She looked at me and turned away.

"Preeta..",she stopped and turned.

"Are you comfortable here?",if she wanted, she could leave. If my presence or those rumours were troubling her, I would recruit her to some other branch.

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