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👥Lana.belle:                           573,751 ❤️
Oh hi there I'm lana


Jasmine.X: I think I'm gay now 😍
Lana.belle: oh shut up 😂 x

Sonnydrobertson: how can you be so pretty like what!
Lana.belle: literally love u x
Sonnydrobertson: I know :)

SavvY: Perfect girl
Lana.belle: 💘💘

Alissa_brooke: wow... Gorgeous!
Lana.belle: same to you xx

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Alissa's pov ~

I was rushing down the hall staring at my phone not paying attention and I then I ended up bumping into someone

"sorry" I say looking up from my phone

It was rye and when I tell you I was embarrassed I'm was extremely embarrassed

"hey its fine don't worry about" he says with a smile

I look at the papers in his hand

"what are those?" I ask pointing to them

"posters for the school dance" he tells me

"there is a school dance?" I ask him shocked

"yeah you just sign up your name and your date or friend your bringing and you can't change your mind after you have chosen" he tells me

"oh, who are you going with?" I ask him curious

"Kylie" he says with a smile

"aww that's sweet, well I hope yous have good time" I say to him with a smile

"thanks, who you going with?" he asks me

"probaby Izzy and Max" I say him awkwardly

"oh you don't have a date?" he asks me

"no, I'm not dating anyone" I say with chuckle

"why you're such a pretty girl?" he says to me with a smile

Pretty girl, I swear those words made me blush

"aha thanks" I say to him

"anyway I better go, I'll see you later" I say and run off

Sonny's pov ~

I went to the room that is basically like home in school, it's got couches, food, basically a chill room.

I went to there to meet Lana, I opened the door and walked in.

"hey" I say just as I shut the door

"hey" she says to me

"so here is what I was thinking for the dance-" she says jumping of the couch

"wait you're going?" I ask her confused

"we're going" she says to me with a a smile

"why?" I ask her and roll eyes with a sigh

"because sonny...because" she says to me with a slight laugh

"so as I was saying for the dance I think you would suit this" she says holding up a black shirt

"eh" I say unsure

She frowns

"try it on" she says handing me the shirt "

"but I like this hoodie" I say pouting my lips

"fine" I say and take it off

"have you been working out" she asks me curious

"shut up" I say to her with a laugh

I button up the shirt and fix it so it's sitting fine

"see you look gorgeous" she says to me with a smile

"I'm not sure" I say gritting my teeth

"sonny I wouldn't lie to you" she says to me with a smile

"okay" I say to her with a smile

"what are you going to wear?" I ask her curious

"a bikini" she says sarcastically

"ooo la la" I say and she laughs

"I don't know yet" she tells me

"you'll find something" I tell her

"well I should go" I tell lana

"oh yeah you have drama" she says to me

"yup, bye" I say and start walking towards the door

"oh and Lana" I say turning around

"Mrs Dale wants to talk to you" I say and run off

Alissa's pov ~

I walked to Drama With Izzy and Max and we sat on the stage with everyone

"am I late!" Sonny sad running nto the hall

"not yet Mr Robertson, I'm impressed" our Teacher says to him

"where were you?" Kylie asks him

"I was with Lana" he says to him with a small smile

Who's Lana?

"right class lets-" the teacher starts saying bit she gets interrupted by rye bursting through the door

"Kylie Westleigh" he shouts

He runs up to her

"will you go to the dance with me?" he asks her

"yes" she sequels and kisses him

"my ears" Izzy says annoyed

I laugh

"alright now lets start" she says


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