You Realise Yous Can't Be Here

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Andy's pov ~

"if you don't want to its fine but do you want to jump of them and on to the trampolines?" he asks me happy

"ooo I mean I don't know rye that's-" I start saying sarcastically

"just come fovvs" he laughs and takes my hand

We climbed and I just stood there

"just do it" I hear rye says from behind me

I take a deep breath and Jump

"Wow! That's so fun haha" I say with a laugh

"I told you!" he shouts down to me

Then Rye jumps down and does some trick

"show off" I say with a smile

We ended up just having alot of fun and it felt good to have my best friend back It was nice to know after all of this we could still be friends. I love Rye as a friend forgetting about my feelings he's my best friend and always will be

"Rye I just thought I tell you" I say once we reach the top again

He kept walking closer to me and I got closer to the edge

"Rye!" I shout and grab him and we fall together

When I land I start laughing and Rye was right next to me laughing aswell

Then he goes on one of his knees and look at me with a smile and grabs my hand to help me up

"Thanks" I say to him with a smile

Alissa's pov ~

I go to find Sonny cause I'm confused why he left in such a mood and then remember he usually likes chilling in the lunch hall so I make my way there

On my way there I saw Izzy and Zack Kissing

"Ew!" I say acting childish

"Where did you come from?" Zack asks me confused

"well on day I was born and when mum and dad REALLY REALLY like each other BOOM happened and then I'm here" I say with a laugh at then end

"Okay then" Izzy says laughing

"bye love birds" I say and walks to the hall

I push open the doors and see Sonny and he had earphones in and was looking at his phone so I walk up to him

When I get up to him I tap his shoulder and he looks up and takes his earphones out

"you alright?" I ask him and then he stands up

"yes I'm fine Al just tired" he says not looking at me

"lie" I say blankly

"what?" he says still not looking at me and he just looked beside me instead

"I mean one second you'll be all Mister I got attitude and then the next you'll ignore everyone or act of" I tell him truthly

Then he finally looks at me making me feel short again by giving me that look

"sorry" he says sounding hurt

"you don't need to apologise" I tell him with a supportive smile

"I just want to be here for you" I tell Him and put my hand on his arm and give it a small rub

"I-" he starts to say but then the door bursts open and I let go of him

"I hate to ruin the moment guys but we have an emergency" Lana says running in

And I turn around and we are both looking at her

"moment?" I whispers to Sonny confused

He just shrugs his shoulders

"what's the emergency?" Sonny asks her confused

"you might not want to here this Sonny but someone has a picture of a girls nudes and has been going around saying they're Izzy's" Lana says annoyed

"oh my god that's horrible!" I say shocked

"can't she just say they're not hers" Sonny says confused

"For god sake Sonny you're such a guy" Lana says and to him and grabs my hand and drags me out of the room with her

"so what are we going to do?" I ask her worried

"find out who this fucker is" She says with a smirk

All day Lana went around telling people to confess to try find out who it was

"Wait does she have anybody who is jealous of Zack?" i ask her just after she pushed someone over

"Tyler" she says shocked

"who's he?" I ask curious

"Her Ex" she says

"where is her Ex, I just want to talk" I say with a smirk

"we need to ask Zack he should know" she tells me so we go and try to find Zack

We walk upstairs and search all around from him and then we finally find him with some of his friends

"Zack do you know where Tyler Is?" Lana asks him sweetly

"yes he's in the changing room they've all just had showers as they were playing football" he tells us

"I'm walking in either way, I might be scared but it's worth it for Iz" Lana tell me as we start walking

"same" I say and we walk downstairs

"Ew!" I say once we reach the door

"what?" she asks me concerned

"what If they are all sweaty" I say disgusted

"but we are doing this for Izzy" I say Trying to act strong

"that's the spirit" she says with a laugh

We pull open the Doors and storm in

"ooo we have company" someone says once we arrive

They were tones of guys with there towels wrapped around themselves so nothing was exposed

"Where is Tyler!" Lana snaps

"Al, Lana" I head a familar voice say

Sonny pushed through some people a he was one of the few people wearing something. He had a black hoodie on and black jeans and his hair still looked wet

"you realise yous can't be here" he tells us in a duh tone

"Sonny we know just move out of the way" I say and push throw him

"hey girls I was summoned" A guy says who I'm guessing is Tyler

"why did you do it, Izzy didn't deserve that" Lana says then the door opened and Zack walked in

"Alissa what are you?-" he starts to ask but I stop him

"later right now we have to deal with what he did to Izzy" I tell him

Then Zack looks like he is going to break something probably Tyler

"what did you do to her!" he shouts

"he said that she took nudes that weren't even hers" I tell him

He pushes him into the wall

"ZACK!" I shout

"Tell everyone what you did was wrong or I will ruin you" I say to him as Zack gets closer to him

"Lana?" Tyler asks her

"bitch, lie about something like this and I will take you to hell" she glares at him

"okay will I'm sorry I just miss her" Tyler says sad

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