It Doesn't Matter

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"oh" I say to him shocked

"yeah so basically" he starts to say

Then my phone buzzes

NEW message

Zack: I'm fine you don't need to keep texting me :)

Me: but where are you?


"sorry" I say to him

"it's fine" he say to me

"Ew it's a spider!" I shout

"it's a piece of fluff, don't be a cry baby" he says to me with laugh

"Oui!" I say a push him and he ends up falling into the pool

I Start laughing

"sorry" I laugh

He then grabs my foot and pulls me in

"no!" I shout

"it's so cold" I say to him

"I know" he says and splashes me

"stop!" I laugh

I go up to him and push him under the water

"don't drown me" he says to me with a laugh

"I need to get out" I say to him as cross my arms to stay warm

"same" he says and we both get out

We both sit at the edge of the pool

"my favourite shirt" he says as he squeezes the water from it

"well luckily I'm not wearing a white shirt" i say to him with a laugh

"oh yeah good point" he say to me with a chuckle

We just sit looking at each other not saying anything

He looks down and then back up

"what?" I ask him with a smile

"nothing" he says to me

"I should go" he tells me

"but you were going to ask or tell me something" I say and grab his arm before he goes

"it doesn't matter" he says to me with a small smile

"so where are you going now?" I ask letting go of his arm

"to go see lana" he tells me

"ooo Lana" I say to him with wink

"have fun with Your girlfriend" I say just as he leaves

Sonny's pov ~

Just as I got out of the door I smiled to myself

Why did I not ask her though

"boo!" Lana says jumping out at me

"Lana!" I say shocked

"where did you come from?" I say confused

"I don't know" she say to me

"you went for a late night swim with the girl you don't have a crush on?" Lana says and shoots me a wink

"shut up" I say and shove her lightly

"so did she say yes or?" Lana asks me as we walk out

"I didn't ask her" I tell her

"don't you mean you couldn't ask her" Lana says to me

"I don't fancy her Lana" I tell her and roll my eyes

"sorry sonny" she says to me

"it's fine" I say to her

Why did I not ask her though?

"she probably is going with someone anyway" I tell Lana

"maybe" she says to me

Alissa's pov ~

I get home and my grandads dog comes up me

"hello" I say to olive the dog with a smile

I walk into the kitchen to see Zack

"where were you?" I ask him annoyed

"I just got caught up with some stuff" he tells me calmly

"you have to promise me it wasn't illegal or-" I say to him worrying

"it' legal I promise" he say to me with a smile

"okay" I say to him and go upstairs

"oh hey honey" my mum says to me as soon as I reach the top of the stairs

"hey" I say with a yawn

"i left you a few things in your room, just incase yous want to keep them but you can throw them away" she tells me

"okay" I say and walk into my room

I see a box lying on my bed and olive sniffing the box

"olive" I say picking her up with a smile

I pull some things out of the box

My favourite toy from when I was a kid
Charm bracelets I made with Bella

Pictures of me Bella and my dad

I started to get emotional and tear rolled down my check

Then olive jumps up and licks my face

"olive" I laugh and push her off me

👥Alissa_brooke: 843,842 ❤️I got distracted by the postman dropping mail ✌️

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👥Alissa_brooke: 843,842 ❤️
I got distracted by the postman dropping mail ✌️


FrizzyIzzy: hello 😍
Alissa_brooke: what's good fam 😎

MaxXx: is he alright 😂
Alissa_brooke: I don't know 🤣

Lana.belle: gorgeous ❤️
Alissa_brooke: says xx

Bellaofc: was he cute 😘😂
Alissa_brooke: he was old 😂😂

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