She's My Ex Girlfriend

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Sonny's pov ~

I just finished Science and walked out to see Lana but she didn't look herself

Then I realised she wiped a tear away so ran over to her

"hey you okay?" I ask her softly

"Yeah" she says with a quick smile

"I just got into a little agruemnt with Tash but I'll be fine, I-I just want a hug from my best friend" she says sounding sad

I wrap my arms around her and left her rest her head on my shoulder

Lana is strong she doesn't cry alot and hugs usually make her happy and it was working

"thanks" she says with a smile

"anyway do you want to grab something to eat?" she asks me smiling

"did you forget we have class in ten minutes" I tell her with a laugh

She sighs

"what are you doing here?" I hear Alissa say

So I turn around and see a guy hugging her

"did you forget I was coming?" he laughs

"no oh my god I'm shocked" she says looking happy

"wait I need to introduce you to my friends" I hear her say a few minutes after I turned back around

Then I hear her laugh get closer to us

"hey" she says walking up to us with the guy

"hey" I say to her and then look at the guy confused

"oh this is ethan" she says smiling and pointing at him

Ethan...Her ex

"well it's nice to meet you" Lana says with a smile

"yeah, I just remembered I forgot my phone" I say and walk away

Alissa's pov ~

I walked out of science class only paying attention to my phone and then I felt someone wrap there arms around my shoulders

"guess who?" they says with a friendly laugh

So I turn around and see its ethan

"What are you doing here?" I say happy

"did you forget I was coming?" he laughs

"no oh my god I'm shocked" I say happy

We chat for a bit and then walk over to Sonny and Lana

"hey" I say to them smiling

"hey" Sonny says then looks at Ethan

"oh this is Ethan" I say with a smile

"well it's nice to meet you" Lana says to him with a smile

"yeah, I just remembered I forgot my phone" Sonny says and walks away

"is he okay?" I ask Lana confused

"yeah he's fine" she says with a reassuring smile

"So how do you and Alissa know each other?" Lana asks him curious

"she's my ex girlfriend" he says awkwardly

"oh who broke up with who?" she asks us

"I broke up with him" I say feeling uncomfortable

"well it's good yous are still friends" she says smiling

"well I should go find Sonny" Lana says and waves us goodbye

"she's nice" Ethan says happy as we walk down the hall

Sonny's pov ~

Lana knew I didn't go to find my phone, she's smart so of course she knew I was lying

I was sitting in the dance room looking at old notes and then the door opened and Lana walked in

"sorry I was using Alissa as my model again" she says with a smile

"Sonny what are these?" she asks me seriously

But she already knew what they were

She sits down next to me

"these are the notes you and Jade had when yous were together" she say and takes them of me

"why do you have them?" she asks me concerned

"they were at the bottom of my locker so decided to read them" I say blankly

"oh, please don't do that to yourself" I tell him worried

"can you get rid of them for me?" I ask her

She nods her head

"now let's get to that class that gives unessary advice and shit" she says and I laugh


We get to class and sit next to each other

Then I hear laughing not to long after we sat down and it was Al and Ethan

Then I look at what Al was wearing and I look right next to me at Lana

"what is she wearing again?" I ask her with a sigh

"look I do have less revealing ones but this one makes her look good" she says with a giggle

"look I do have less revealing ones but this one makes her look good" she says with a giggle

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"well it's not as bad as the others I guess" I say and roll my eyes

"but I didn't want her to wear it to mess with him again, I did it because I want to know what you're thinking" she tell me

"what?" I say confused

Then she points at the door and Aria walks in wearing the same thing

"what's that supposed to prove?" I ask her annoyed

"who you like and how to get over her" she tells me and sits back

"Okay class so I will be talking about up coming events and new rules" The teacher says and we all sigh

"but first how about we go around and say what we want to be when we are older" he says

We aren't in primary school

"chairs in a circle" he says

Are you kidding me!

"so what you need to say is your name and what you want to be when you're older" he says with a smile

"Kylie start" he says

"well I'm Kylie" she says with a giggle

"and I want to be a Dancer and help disabled kids" she says with a smile

"very nice Kylie" he says and next up was Lana

"hey I'm Lana and I want to be a fashion designer and I like dancing, but I don't think I want to do it professionally" she says

"Hi I'm Aria and I want to be a Director" she says

"hey I'm Alissa and I want to be a singer or a maybe an Actress" she sys with a smile


A few more people went then it was my turn

"I'm Sonny or Ryan and I want to be a musician" I say with a smirk

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