Get The Fucking Hint Sonny!

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Alissa's pov ~

I woke up on the couch realising I didn't make it up to bed

I sit up and pick up my phone and checked the time and it was almost 2pm...

So I get up and walk upstairs and I go for a shower then after I showered I put some shorts on a tank top as I'm probably not going to do anything

After that I put sonny's hoodie on and go downstairs and Watch movies

Then I hear my phone buzz

It was sonny

S: hey can we meet up later I need to tell you something

A: sure is everything okay

S: yeah just meet meet me at the bridge

A: okay when

S: anytime u want

A: 10:00pm okay

S: yeah

A: okay

End of chat ~


I continued watching movies with olive and wasn't really keeping track of time

Then I realised I haven't ate yet and times went by so fast


So I go into the kitchen and cook some pasta and I see a note

Hey honey we all saw you sleeping lol don't worry about us we are visiting Bella xx

I sigh and continue to make the pasta and when it was ready I put it on a plate and went back to the couch and continued to watch the movie

Then I realise its 10:00pm and I should already be there so I slip my shoes on and run out of the house as fast as I could

I ran into the woods and down to were the bridge was and I saw Sonny looking into the water

"hey" I say out of breath

"hi" he says awkwardly

"so what were you going to tell me?" I ask smiling

"look Alissa I eh" he says and takes a deep breath

"I like you" he says and looks at me finally

"haha funny one" I laugh

"No Al, I mean it" he says sounding serious

"you're probably just feeling like this today" I awkwardly chuckle

"Its been on my mind for ages eating me alive and I didn't tell you cause you don't seem interested" he says blankly

"so when we kissed as a theory that wasn't for a theory?" I ask him shocked

"obviously" he says with a duh look

"I don't like you that why Sonny didn't we make that obvious to each other" I tell him with an annoyed sigh

"says the girl who kissed me on her birthday" he tells me and rolls his eyes

"wish I didn't" I mumble but he heard

"you can't be serious" he says with an annoyed laugh

"my best friend, friend whatever you are told me he likes me!" I practically shout

"get the fucking hint Sonny, I don't fucking like you!" I shout and walk away

Sonny's pov ~

Its the day after that event took place and I didn't expect her to be like that

Don't get me wrong I didn't expect to tell me she liked me it was very last minute thought that i was going to tell her but she hurt me but I didn't seem hurt

"hey look who I caught at the door" Lana says walking over to me linked arms with Alissa and Izzy

"cool" I say and close my locker blankly

"no flirty comments?" Izzy says with a giggle and I look at her confused

"did you not get any sleep?" Izzy asks me worried

"I slept like a baby I told her with a quick smile

"you seem moody?" Lana tells me awkwardly

"thanks" I sigh

I was expecting after rejection for us to be atleast friends but I didn't want to, not now

"so" Izzy says awkwardly

"hey girlie's" Max says happily skipping over

"aw sonny and Alissa should link arms" Max says smiling

"Ew" I say and take a sip of my water as Izzy's mouth drops

"what's up with you?" she asks annoyed

"Alissa you've said nothing" Max says to her confused

"do yous all want to come to my house tonight and watch a movie I saw on Netflix its quite good" she randomly says

"who's allowed to come?" Lana asks her

"you, Izzy, Max and Sonny I guess" he says smiling now

Why me?

"hey Sonny" Aria says walking over to me smiling

"what you smiling about?" I say smiling with her

Then she pulls out a paper

"100% on my test" she says really happy

"thank you Sonny" she says and hugs me so I hug her back she let's go of hug and gives me a kiss on the cheek and runs away happily

"i don't ship it" Max says trying to cover it up with a cough

"Oui!" Izzy laughs and hits his arm

"so do you like her?" Lana asks and nudges my shoulder

"I don't know I'm trying to figure out if she the shout mean type or not" I say making Alissa's eyes immediately look up at me and she looked pissed

"ah okay" Lana says confused

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