I Love You

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Alissa's pov ~

"hey" I say walking into the science room

"Sonny can I talk to you?" I ask him

"yeah sure" he says and start to walk over to me

"wait but Sonny-" Aria starts to say

"bye Aria" he sighs and walks out with me

"so what's up?" he asks smiling

"do you maybe want to tell Izzy and Lana about us?" I ask him awkwardly

"yeah, we probably should they deserve to know" he says

"yeah" I say agreeing with him

"where are they?" I ask him confused

"Dance room" he says and takes my hand and we walk toward the dance room

"ready?" he asks

"yeah" I say and nod my head

We push open the doors and walk up to Izzy and Lana

"hey guys" Izzy smiles and picks us her water

"we need to tell yous something" I say awkwardly

"me and Alissa have been going out with each other" Sonny tells them

"okay" Lana says and shrugs her shoulders

"are yous okay with that?" I ask them confused

"yes" They both smile

"that was easier than I thought" I smile

"yup" he laughs

"guys guess what" Max smiles

"what?" I say smiling

"so I've been talking to this girl, her name is Ally and she's super sweet" he smiles

"oh my god that's great max I'm so happy for you" I say and hug him

"have you met her?" Lana asks him smiling

"yes and we got to get to know each other" he smiles

"aww I'm so happy for you" Izzy says and hugs him

"so what made you bring it up?" Sonny asks smiling

"Oh well because she's going to be here soon and I'm going to hang out with her again" he smiles

"aww" all the girls say

"what are yous aw-ing about?" Aria says walking in and tasha walks in aswell

"Tash!" Lana says happy and hugs her

"go on" Aria says sassy

"ugh its the moody whore" Lana laughs still hugging tasha

"excuse me" she says shocked

"do you hear what your friend said" Aria says to sonny

"I can't control her" he smirks

"well Sonny I wanted to do something for a while" she smiles getting closer to him

Then I see her get her face closer to his

"Oui!" I shout making her jump

"don't think about it" I say annoyed

"he's not yours" she says with a evil smirk

"really" I say and walk over to him

I wrap my arms around him and give him a quick kiss to which he kissed me back

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