So You Do Like Me?

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Izzy's pov ~

Zack grabs my hand and drags me into the storage room

"what's up?" I ask him

He leans against the door and sighs

"You know we'll need to tell her soon, she's a smart girl and has her ways" Zack tells me seriously

"I know but she's my best friend Zack"

"best friend?" he says like a question

"yes Zack best friend, she's super sweet and a great friend" I tell him as I fiddle with my fingers

"how do you tell your best you've been Kissing her brother" I say to him and let him think

"but we can't hide it forever" he tells me

"I-I know but I don't want to hurt her" I tell him

"I get that" he says to me with a small smile

"come here" he says to me and opens his arms wide

I lay my head on his chest and wrap my arms around him

I look up at him and he leans down and gives me a slow but passionate kiss

"how long do we have left?" I ask him bitting down on my lip

"15 minutes" he tells me with a smirk

I then connect my lips back to his again and we start Kissing passionately again

Alissa's pov ~

I go to find sonny to tell him he's to help me with maths so run into the lunch hall where he usually is

"hey sonny" I say skipping towards him

He was sitting with Lana and he looked like he was writing something

"you must be Lana" I say to her with a smile

"yeah nice to meet you... Alissa?" she says hoping she got my name right

"yeah Same to you" I say to her

"so sonny" I say to him but he still wasn't looking at me

"okay well you've to help me with maths in 2 days cause I suck at it" I say with a slight laugh

He looks at me finally, but he seemed to be questioning me

He just nods his head

"okay well I'll talk to you later" I say and walk away confused

"no but rye I swear!" I hear someone say as I leave the hall

I look over and see Kylie and Rye

"Leave me alone" he tells her annoyed

"no! It was an accident I swear" she says to him trying to grab his hand

I was to busy paying attention to them to not realise that there was anyone behind me

Then I feel to hands on my waist

"hey babe I'm back" they whisper and that Is when I realise it's sam

"leave me alone" I say struggling to speak

"oh but I can make you feel good better than anyone has" he says to me
With a low voice

I stand on his foot and he let's go

"ow! Bitch!" he says to me

"playing hard to get" he says with smirk

"you're sick" I say to him nd start to walk away but I bump into rye

"woah you okay?" he asks me concerned

"yeah I think I just need to go home" I tell him sad

"okay" he says and takes my hand

We walk out of school not bothering to tell anyone we are leaving

We started walking to Rye's car and ask him something

"that... Kiss we had, did it mean anything or did you just do it cause you were hurt. I don't mind i just wanted to know If you like or-well not saying you do but-" I kept rambling on but rye stopped me by turning my way and crashing his lips against mine

"so you do like me?" I ask him as we pull away

"yes" he says with a smile

Then we walk to his car

"so where is your house?" he asks me as he start driving

"do you know where the that small cafe is?" I ask him

"yeah" he says to me

"just right from there" I tell with a smile

"okay" he says

Once we get there he parks just outside the house and gets out with the me and walks to my door

"so thanks for driving me" I say to him with a smile

"no problem, here take my number and tell me if you're feeling any better" he says to me handing my a small piece of paper

"tha-" I start to say but get cut off

My mum opened the door

"oh hey sweetie, wait alissa what are you doing with this boy out of school hour"  she says really loud

"he just took me home cause I'm not feeling to good" I tell her awkwardly

"oh okay well I need to do some shopping Owen got ketchup on all my carrots" she says and runs off

"I'm so sorry about her" I say to rye after she left, I put my face into my hands with embarrassment

"it's fine" he says and takes my hand and just then my heart started to race
Then he smiled

"well I'll see you probaby at the dance then" he says and starts to turn around

"wait do you still have to go with Kylie?" I ask him said

"yeah I have to" he says

"oh" I say and look down

"will this make you feel better" he says to me making me look up and see his face in front of mine

I lean toward I press my lips to his

"bye" he says to me after I pull away

I wave and walk inside

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