Stay Please

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Sonny's pov ~

"Izzy and Andy can you get some of my stuff to bring to the hospital" Alissa says and throws them her keys and they walk away together

"Max and I will go outside to see when the ambulance arrives" Lana says and they leave together

I sit next to Al and she wasn't in a good state but she wasn't crying as bad anymore

"hey" I say to her softy but she only looked at the floor

"I trusted him" she says quietly

"I know" I say softly

"Sonny I'm scared" she says now looking at me

"hey you'll be fine" I tell her with a small smile

"Alissa" Lana says walking back in with everyone

"your parents are taking you there" Lana says

"Okay" she says wiping her tears

I can't look at her like this

Lana and Izzy come over and help her and Izzy starts crying


After Alissa left we all didn't go to class we all went downstairs

And Andy

"it seems so quite without her" Max says trying to lighten the mood as none of us are talking

"I miss her" Izzy says crying

"Where is Ethan?" Andy asks confused

"we don't know" Lana says

Then Izzy's phone rings and she picks it up as fast as possible


We all here

"we can visit her" Izzy says with smile

"well let's go" Rye says and we walk upstairs

Alissa's pov ~

This is my first time saying in hospital since I was born

I woke up adjusting my eyes to light and looked to my side to see my mum holding my hand

"honey" she says crying happy tears

"mum" I say with a smile

She gives me a hug

"you have a few friends who want to visit you" she tells me with a smile

"oh great when are they coming?" I say smiling

"they are here" she says happy

Then the next second they all walk in and I smile

"hey guys what's up?" I say with a wink and they laugh

"now I get it Lana don't be bad about what am wearing it's sexy" I say with a laugh she hugs me

"I'm so happy you're alive" she says with a laugh

"thanks" I say laughing

"Max" I say with a smile

"hospital clothes oo la la" he says and gives me a hug and I laugh

"I know I'm going to get so much guys" I say sarcastically

"Izzy!" I say like a baby

"my chicken!" she says and hugs me

"right Sonny you're next come here and prepare for a hug" I say dramatically

"are patients supposed to act this way?" he asks me with a happy smirk

"what is he doing here?" my mum asks me annoyed

"he's the one who found out about it" I tell her and then she gets out her seat and walks over to him

"mum don't start an argument in the hospital" I say with a sigh

Then the next second I see my mum hugging Sonny

"thank you for saving my daughter you have earned my respect" she say to him with a smile

"no need to thank me, Rye told me and I passed it on" he says

"well you did something, I don't know what but it shows you care" she says and leaves the room

"sorry about her" I say with a laugh

'it's fine" he says with a smile

"now come on a hug!" I whine like a kid

"Al" he says with a sigh

"I'm kidding" he says and walks over to me and hugs me

"see not to bad" I say mid hug with giggle

"yeah it's not to bad" he says and let's go of me

"well we should go it's getting late" Max says sad

"stay please" I ask them sad

"we would but visiting hours end soon" Izzy says

"bye Alissa" They all say and start walking out

"Sonny" I say before he walks out

"can I tell you something?" I ask him as he walks over to me

"sit" I say patting a space right next to me on the bed

"I wanted to thank you for practically saving my life" I say to him with a smile

"What you going to do, you me a another thank you kiss?" he says with a slight laugh

"I mean it" I say smiling and take his hand

"well I'm glad you're okay now" he says looking at me smiling

"goodnight Al" he says and stands up and walks out of the room

After everyone left I got out my phone and put 5 feet apart on which was a bad idea cause I got really upset

"hey sweetie-oh my god are you okay?" she asks me worried as she walks into the room

"yeah I was just watching a sad movie" I say with a laugh

"oh okay well I was just coming into say you don't have to go to school tomorrow" she says with a smile

"I'd love to but I want to make sure my friends know I'm Okay" I tell her awkwardly

"that's fine sweetie, I've just phoned the school I tell them not to be to hard on you" she tells me sweetly

"okay" I say and lie down

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