No Problem Short Stuff

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Alissa's pov ~

I wake up to hearing deep throat playing... Fantastic

"Wake up sleepy head" Lana says

I fully open my eyes to see her right in front of my face

"right I'm up just turn that music off" I say with a laugh

"MAX TURN IF OFF!" Lana shouts right in face

"thanks for that" I say and she moves so I can I up

"Ew I look gross" I say looking in the mirror in front of me

"Hey look at me" Lana says turning me to face her

"you're a stunning" she says with a smile

"easy for you to say your so confident" I tell her with a smile

"I wasn't always but now I love how I look, do you like how you look?" she asks me

"yeah I'm not complaining about how I look but I don't get known as Alissa most of the time, I usually get known as the girl with the pretty body" I say with a sigh

"people are pricks" she says to me

"very true" I say with a smile

"so what are you going to do today?" Lana asks me curious

"probably go home to my family and visit my niece" I say with a smile

"oh my god you're auntie!" She says and hugs me

"yeah her name is Demi and she age the cutest laugh ever" I say and show her a video

"awww I want to adopt her!" Lana says happy

"sorry Lana no can do" I say with a laugh

"oh I meaning to tell you I want to wear and keep something because I know you have a really good sense of style" she says and walks over to her wardrobe

"Lana I'm just saying you better be a fashion designer" I say with laugh

"no I want to be a politician" she says sarcastically

"here put it on and you'll look amazing" she says and hands me a dress

"here put it on and you'll look amazing" she says and hands me a dress

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After I put it I walk over to Lana and say

"wow I love it Lana" I say smiling

"you look amazing" she says with a smile

"so tomorrow's your birthday" Lana reminds me with a smile

"and I have school" I say with a sigh

"fuck school!" she says and I laugh


Lana's pov ~

A few hours after everyone left I just spent my day watching shadowhunters

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