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When Amy went home, she lay in bed then she heard voices again. She got out of bed and heard Theo's voice again.

"Thao? Thao is that you?" Amy said as she went to his room.

She walked to his room but couldn't find him, then she looked in his mirror and saw him.

"Thao, Thao it's me." Amy said as tears roll down her face.

"Amy. You have the gift." a ghostly Thao said in the mirror.

"What?" Amy said.

"Last night, you were hit with a meteor that gave you a gift." Theo said.

"What gift? Tell me? Tell me?" Amy said as Thao vanished from the mirror.

Amy went back to her room and notice her scars were still gone. She cuts herself again and as the blood start coming out and strangely starts going back inside her arm and her scar quickly vanished. As she raised her right arm up, the lights started to flicker on and off. She realize that she got Supernatural powers. Then she picture what would come to mind.  She open her eyes and realize that she build a force field around her. She was amazed by her powers so far. She was notice that a black rope comes out of her wrist.

"No fucking way." Amy said. Then she heard her mother coming home. She focus on getting rid of her rope as she use her razor to cut the rope off her wrist.

"Amy, are you home?!" Kuki called her.

"Yeah, mom! I'm in my room!" Amy said.

She got a text message from Miles and it said, "Meet me at The Cafe @ 7 on the dot."  He even send the message to Brittany, Finn, Louis and Susanne.

At Finn's house, he read his message.

"Who is that?" Michael asked.

"It's my friends, they want to meet up." Finn said.

"Wait hold up. You're grounded remember? But you can invite them, here." Michael said.

"Okay, I'll do that." Finn said as he send a message if they can meet at his house.

That night, everyone came to Finn's house and they all talk about their powers in the kitchen.

"So, I just figured out that I have super speed powers." Miles said.

"I just found out that I can shoot beams with my hands." Susanne said.

"That's what exactly what I can do, expect I think I have fire power." Brittany said.

"Okay then, Miles. If you really have super speed go get us more root beer in the next..." Finn said as he looked at his watch as Miles used his super speed to them more root beer and came back in one second.

"Second..." Finn said.

"Holy moly. You really are The Flash." Louis said as the rest of them were surprised.

"Ehh, more like Kid Flash to me." Finn said as he took a sip of root beer.

"He still fast." Miles said.

"So, Susanne, I heard that you can shoot beams out of your hands." Finn said.

"Yeah, check this out." Susanne said as she show off her powers for them.

She close her eyes and a bright light came out threw her hands.

"It's beautiful." Brittany said.

"Well, you know what I can do?" Louis said.

"What?" Brittany said.

"Invisibility. Like actually invisibility. Watch." Louis said as he concentrated on being invisible and he did.

"Dude, where's your face?" Finn said as they were amazed at Louis invisibility.

"I'm invisible." Louis said.

"Technically, when you're not in your clothes." Amy said.

"Oh, excuse me. Did y'all mind? Now you see me?" Louis said as he took off his clothes.

"Nope, you're definitely invisible." Miles said.

As soon, as Louis became visible, he was totally naked in front of the crew.

"Whoa! Whoa! Louis can see you now." Finn said as he place his hand away from Louis naked body.

"And your junk." Susanne said.

"Oh shit." Louis said as he covered his penis and put his clothes back on.

"I never notice how fun it can be to be actually invisible." Louis said.

"Well, I hope you don't have too much fun with it. Otherwise, you might lose yourself into a power of madness. Like Kevin Bacon did in Hollow Man. He use his power to manipulate women and stalking them." Susanne warned him.

"Relax, Susanne. I'm gonna use my power to manipulate woman." Louis swear.

"So, Amy, what can you do?" Miles asked.

"You really wanna see?" Amy said as she show them her powers as she can changer her hair to a blonde. Miles was surprise as he mouth open wide.

"No, way." Brittany said.

"Are you impressed." Amy smiled.

"Definitely." Miles said.

"Yeah." as the rest of the girls were amazed by her powers.

"You wanna touch it?" Amy said as Susanne touches it.

"It's real." Susanne exclaimed.

"Know watch this." Amy said as she shook her head back to black.

"Now watch this." Amy said as she turns off the lights and turns it back on with her powers.

"Dude, that's bitching. You can move stuff with my mind, too. Watch." Finn said as he made his old robot dog worked again and show them that he can transport his soul into different bodies. He focus on Louis and went inside his body.

"Hey, guys it's me. Finn. In Louis body." Finn said in Louis body.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Susanne exclaimed.

Finn in Louis body grabbed his body's hand and went back to his body. "Hey, I'm back." And Louis return to his body.

"That was so cool." Brittany said.

"Hey, Brittany, let's see your powers." Miles said.

"Oh, no. I don't wanna to burn Finn's room down." Brittany said.

I can believe that meteor gave us super powers. It's like we're superheroes. Even though we never saved anyone, before." Louis said.

"No yet, anyway." Susanne said.

"Hey, guys there's something I gotta tell you. I use my super speed to go back in time yesterday to see what happened to us. We were disintegrated by the explosion." Miles said.

"What are you fucking nuts? You can't just go back threw the timeline. You could've changed the future or the reality." Finn said.

"I had to figure out what happened to us that night." Miles said.

"Miles, you can't mess with Father Time. That violates so many laws of nature. We still need to test out our super abilities" Susanne said.

"So anyway. Are we going to do this hero thing as a group or do it separately?" Brittany asked.

"As long as we don't wear no tights." Finn said said everybody laughed.

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