Out of Control

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After the deaths of Brittany and Susanne, Finn was been kept to himself without having any contact with Miles or Amy. One day when he got home, his father and mother were all in the dining room.

"Hey. Um.. what's going on?" Finn asked his parents.

"Sit down, son. We need to talk." Michael said as he put up a chair for him.

"What's this about, dad? I got my grades up." Finn said as he sat down.

Michael pulls out a used condom wrapper found in Finn room.

"What is this?" Michael asked.

"It's a condom wrapper." Finn said.

"I know, what it is, but what is this doing in your room?" Michael said.

"What were you doing in my room?" Finn said.

"Hey! Your room is in my house. Under my roof." Michael said.

"Michael, let's not get too ---" Michelle said.

"Are you on my side? Or on your son side? I didn't know you could be so stupid just like him." Michael said.

"Dad, you don't have to talk to mom and me like that." Finn said.

"Shut your mouth. I'm talking. You think just because you're about to turn 18, you can do whatever you want? How stubborn can you be? Those dead kids that you use to hang out think that they were your friends. They never cared about you. You shamed yourself and this family. How do you think this will look on my campaign? A senator's son sleeping around and screwing and disobeying God's law? You kids think you're old enough to know everything. Do whatever you please and not caring about the rules? Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Michael exclaimed as Finn raise his head up.

"Don't yell at me, dad." Finn said.

"Who was it, hmm? That libtard girl? Is that the one you slept with? If so, I hope she rotting in hell." Michael said.

"Her name was Susanne and I didn't sleep with her." Finn confessed.

"Don't lie to me. I seen the way she looks at you and I seen the way you look at her... Look at me! Every rule that you have to put up with is school, you're grades..." Michael pointed at Finn as he talks back.

"School? My grades? I've been studying so hard to make you proud! All I had to put up with in this house is you, your stupid rules and your fucked up beliefs, you fucking bigoted!" Finn exclaimed with his whole chest out.

"Finn!" Michelle exclaimed.

"What did you just say to me? Who the hell do you think you are talking to! Huh?!" Michael got up and knocked the table over as Finn got up out of his chair.

"Michael, calm down!" Michelle said.

"You little bastard!" Michael said as he punched Finn in the face.

"Michael, please!" Michelle exclaimed.

"Shut up! Shut your damn mouth! This boy hasn't been disciplined." Michael shouted at his wife.

"Dad, I'm sorry." Finn winced on the ground.

"Now, you're sorry. Come here!" Michael got on top of Finn and slap him a bunch of times.

While being beating by his father, he had a flashback when he was eight years old and his father smacked him for having a bad grade. He got in to his father car with a sad face.

"Well, let's see it." Michael said while Finn pulls out his report card.

He looked at it and saw him made a lower grade.

"A C? You got a C in Math?" Michael said.

"It was just too hard the equations ---" a young Finn tries to explained.

Michael smacked him on the back of his head.

"We talked about this. One bad grade gives you one week of grounding."Michael said.

"Asshole." Finn whispered to himself.

"What did you call me? Speak up!" Michael exclaimed.

"Asshole!" Finn exclaimed.

Michael smacked him again.

"That's two weeks." Michael said.

"I hate you!" Finn exclaimed.

"Three!" Michael smacked him again.

Back during the beating, Micheal grabbed Finn by his collar shirt and got him up.

"Get up! I said get up!" Michael exclaimed as he got Finn up.

"Damn it! Stop it, please!" Michelle shouted

Then, Finn violently repeals Michael attack. He backhands his father hard and use his super strength, pushing him against the wall. Finn's arm snakes out and grabs Michael by the throat choking him as he lifted him easily.

"Finn, no!" Michelle screamed.


"Finn. Stop! You're choking your father!" Michelle yelled.

"I can't - can't breathe... You're... hurting me.... Please... son." Michael coughed while being choked by his son while he was looking at son soul less eyes.

"Please, Finn. Let him go!" Michelle crying.

Finn stop and let his father go as he coughed and catches his breathe.

"Dad. I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Finn said as he looked at his hands.

"You are no son of mine. There's a demon in you. Get out." Michael winced as he hold his neck.

"Dad. I'm sorry." Finn said as his eyes start to get watery.

"GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! And never come back!" Michael shouted.

"No, Finn. Don't go! Please, he doesn't have to go." Michelle winced as Finn went up stairs pack up his stuff. He goes downstairs with his stuff and saw his mom sitting with a tissue.

"Mom. I wish this didn't happened." Finn said.

"Well. You just did." Michelle tearfully said as Finn leaves his home and never came back.

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