Payback is a Bitch

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Five days later, Amy called Brittany about a party and one of the guys who was raping her was going to be there. Brittany phone rang and she answered it.

"Hello?" Brittany said.

"Hey, chicka." Amy said on the phone.

"Amy? Since when did you say chicka?" Brittany said on the phone.

"Never mind that listen, there's a party at Dillian's tonight and one of those scumbags, Manny and Kevin will  be there. Remember the plot we're suppose to do?" Amy reminded Brittany.

"No, Amy. Just leave it alone. Beside's we promise Finn we would use our powers on revenge. It's not gonna solve anything." Brittany said.

"Fuck that! What he did to you was so out of line. Beside, I had a my fingers crossed." Amy said as she hangs the phone up.

"What, Amy? Amy! Shit." Brittany said as she was going to the party.

While Amy was walking alone on the sidewalk. As she passes under each streetlight, they flicker.

"Take the world. Take the enemy. Take the world. Take the enemy." Amy repeated to herself, in angry bursts.

A street light shatters with a bang in a shower of sparks.

Dillian's house was a big California Tudor mansion with drunken kids spilling out onto the lawn. BMW's and sporty Nissan's jam every conceivable parking lot. Amy makes an entrance to the party and heads were turn. Amy had a smirk on her face as the kids were staring at her.

"Speak of the devil." a girl said as Amy scans the crowd.

"Guys Amy Yeo Jeong is here." a girl said to Manny, Kevin and some of the other football players.

"What? Oh shit." Manny got up out of the chair finds Amy near the staircase.

"Yeo Jeong? What are you doing?" Manny said.

"Looking for you...Could we talk in private?" Amy said as Manny follows her upstairs to a master bedroom. 

Manny walks behind her and close the door.

"So um... What's going on?" Manny said as he start feeling delirious from his drink and sat on the bed.

Amy gots on top of him and tries to seduce him.

"You know we had some pretty good times together, remember? If I remember correctly. We had some pretty hot times, too. Remember?" Amy said as she unbuckles his belt.

"I try to forget, because hooking up with you was like hooking up with your brother." Manny said intoxicated.

"Think again." Amy said as she lifted his shirt and tries to kiss his abs.

"Hey. No touching." Manny said as he grabs her hand.

"What's wrong? Not in a mood." Amy said as she leans forward to him.

"Trying not to get my dick bitten off by you." Manny said.

"Manny..." Amy said softy as she got close to his face.

"Go away." Manny said as Amy tries to kiss him.

"Get the fuck off of me." Manny pushes her off the bed.

Amy's hand runs over her face one more time and transforms into Brittany.

"What the fuck?" Manny said intoxicated.

"Manny. Make love to me..." Amy whispered in Brittany voice.

Manny reaches down and takes her in his arms, kissing deeply rapaciously in bed.  Brittany and Susanne took a Uber to the party.

"I shouldn't be here." Susanne said.

"Neither should Amy. Come on, let's go find her." Brittany said as the walk inside the house party

The two girls make their way through the crowd. 

"I'm going to look upstairs. You stay down here to find her." Brittany said.

"Got it sarge." Susanne said as she grab a drink and drink it.

Brittany walks upstairs to find Amy. In the master bedroom. Manny eyes closed deeply in the throes of making love to Amy who is disguise as Brittany. Brittany walks in and as soon Manny opens his eyes. He stops and see Amy transform to herself again. He rolls out of bed and freaks out. Amy laughs at his reaction.

"Witch. You are a fucking witch!" Manny said.

"You bet I am. I even got powers, too." Amy said.

"Amy, come on. Get off the bed. Let's go." Brittany said.

"You know this girl, Manny. Brittany Alaric. The girl that you and your buddies rape that night. Now she got fire powers to burn your ass." Amy said.

"No." Manny shook his head.

"Yes. Sad but true. That's why I'm here to help her with her revenge. Since you spike her drink and rape her." Amy said.

"I didn't spike her drink!" Manny said.

"Amy, get off the bed! You already scared the shit out of him. He learn his lesson. Let's go!" Amy exclaimed.

"No. He needs more than just a lesson. He needs to pay. And for the record, who did spike her drink. Your boys?" Amy said.

"No. It was Danielle. It was her plan all along. Her and Stefani." Manny confessed as Brittany was shocked about her former friends spiked her drink.

"What?" Brittany said.

"Wow. That's a shocker. You really deserve better friends, Brittany." Amy said.

"Friends like you? You're just jealous." Manny said.

"Jealous? Jealous! You don't even existed to me!" Amy got off the bed.

Amy starts floating upwards as her feet two feet off the ground.

"You are nothing. You were nothing to my brother. You are a piece of shit. Guys like you shouldn't existed. The only way you boys  know how to treat women is by treating them like trash! When you're trash! And that's going to stop! You understand what I'm saying." Amy continues to float towards Manny as she stop.

"I'm sorry." Manny said terrified.

Amy starts laughing and roars in anger.

"You're sorry. Well, FUCK YOUR SORRY!" Amy roared as the balcony door opens.

"DIE!!" Amy screams as Manny flies out the door and falls three stories below.

Susanne was drinking beer outside and suddenly Manny falls to his death in front of her. 

"Oh shit." Susanne pukes at Manny's dead body.

People were screaming at the dead body and the three girls left the party.

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