Having Fun.

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Miles drove Louis home and he was upset a little bit that he lied to him. 

"Why are you so quiet right now?" Miles asked Louis while he was driving.

"You told me you had plans with your father, but you didn't tell me you testing your powers out on your own. That's kind of a lie, man." Louis said.

"Right. I'm sorry. I should've told you the truth. But come on, we have superpowers now. We should start living it up." Miles said.

"Alright, alright. Apology accepted. To fucking superpowers Whoo!!" Louis yelled as he stick his head out the window.

Miles chuckled as he drove Louis home. At Brittany's house, she continues to control her fire power. She looked in the mirror and test them out.

"Okay, let's try this again." Brittany said in the mirror.

She focused and concentrate on her power as flames came out on both of her hands.

"Whoa." Brittany exclaimed as she tries to turn in it off.

"Okay, one more time." Brittany said to herself as she tries to control the flames.

"Alright, I got this." she said as he got control on her powers.

The next day, the kids tested out their powers at school and off ground. At the school, Alex and Finn pulled a prank in the boys locker room, where all the lockers would open and closed. And Louis would pull their towels down. All the boys ran out of the locker room naked.  Louis and Finn laughed as they ran out.

In Science class, Amy and Susanne were digested a frog and Amy pulls a prank on Bridget and Connie by making their frog float. Amy controls the frog by making it float. Bridget and Connie start freaking out and so did the rest of the class freak out too and ran out of the class.

"Did you see the look on her face?" Susanne laughed.

"Mhm. Wait till you see this." Amy smirked.

At lunch, Brittany made Danielle, Courtney and Stefanie soup more hotter by using her heat vision. She ran over back to her seat and watch them eating the hot soup. The girls spit out their hot soup as their tongue was burning.

"That is really hot." Stefanie said as she fan her tongues.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! That fucking hurt. It feels like my tongue went to hell." Danielle winced.

Brittany, Louis, Miles, Amy, Finn and Susanne snickered.

And lastly, Finn used his super speed to pull down all the football players pants. After school the kids continued to trained their powers. Miles continues to work on his speed and as the rest of them continued to keep their abilities under control. Louis even had everybody to hold hands with each other and as soon as he turn invisible, everybody else did.

At home, Amy decided to work on her power by herself. She use her supernatural powers to turn the radio on without touching it.

"Radio on." she said as she raised both her hands and the radio came on playing BTS - Mic Drop.

"Turn." she said as the radio turn to a mellow song.

The next day, the kids use dummies to use as the bad guys. Brittany was the first one to test her powers on.

"Brittany you're up." Amy called up Brittany.

"Speak for yourself. I've been practicing." Brittany use her fire powers to make them into a fireball and throws it at one of the dummies with a direct hit.

"Uh... um, how much practice?" Amy said.

"Enough that you're suddenly nervous you're not the best anymore." Brittany said.

"Wait, I thought I was the best." Finn said.

"Nope. Not even close, or you wanna make this into a competition?" Amy said.

"I think I already did." Finn said as he test his powers by moving a big rock with his mind and throwing it at the dummy with a direct hit.

"Yeah, that's right! That is how you do it. Um, you know your dummy still on fire, right?" Finn said to Brittany.

"Shit!" Brittany said.

"I'll go get the ---" Miles said as rushed to get the extinguish, but Amy use her powers to shoot the extinguisher out of her hands.

"Extinguish!" Amy exclaimed with her powers as the fire flare down from the dummy.

"Okay, I'll admit it. You are definitely better." Finn said.

"Guess I don't need to get the extinguish anymore, then." Miles said.

Amy blows her hand.

"Guess it's my turn." Susanne said as she was up next to use her powers, but she felt a big punch in her head as she groaned in pain.

"Hey, are you alright?" Finn said.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little --- Ow, damn." Susanne groaned again.

"What's wrong?" Brittany said.

"It's just a little thing called, 'brain lightning.' It happens when I go off my Sertraline too quickly." Susanne explained.

"English, please. Not everyone here speaks nerd." Finn said.

"It's kind of like getting an earthquake in your brain, couple with dizziness and ringing in your ears. I could go on." Susanne explained.

"I've been getting that too, but you had me at 'earthquake in your bran' so no." Finn said.

"How do we fix it?" Miles asked.

"Just breathe. That's what I've been doing when I get those 'brain lightning' episodes. Four-seven-eight." Finn said.

"What?" Susanne said.

"It's a little technique my therapist taught me." Finn said.

"You actually think you therapist is gonna help me cure my actual debilitating illness?" Susanne questioned.

"It worked for me. Trust me. It was just a suggestion." Finn said.

"Why don't you just sit this one out." Brittany suggested as she agreed.

"Miles, try to do a quick dash punch on me." Amy ordered.

"Amy, no!" Brittany and Susanne said. 

"I don't think I'm comfortable with that." Miles said.

"If you don't do it. I will." Finn said.

"No. I want Miles to do it since he got super speed." Amy said.

"Alright, but I don't know if I will like it." Miles said as he agree to do it.

Miles use his super speed to do a dash punch, but Amy use her force field to block him.

"Block!" Amy use her force field power to block Miles as he flew back at the force.

"No way." Louis said.

"Damn. Great reflexes." Miles said.

"Again." Amy said.

"Amy." Brittany said as they were about to do it again.

Miles use his super speed again, but this time, Amy didn't get to block in time as Miles dash right up to her throwing her to a broken door.

"Double shit." Miles said as he zoom to her.

But for some odd reason, Amy got up aggressively about to use her powers on him like she was ready for a battle.

"Amy!" Susanne exclaimed.

"What the fuck, man?!" Amy exclaimed as Brittany and Susanne separates from Miles.

"Amy, calm down." Brittany said.

"I just did what you said! You didn't block in time. Maybe went full speed on you." Miles said.

"That's not the only thing. Oh, God." Amy panted heavily as she sat down.

"I assume you mean us." Susanne said.

"What was that all about?" Louis said.

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