New Rules

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Finn called the crew to come to a meeting about making new rules. He text everyone to meet them near the boardwalk in Venice Beach. Everybody showed up and they had a talk.

"What's up, Finn? I just took a candy from a baby." Louis joked.

"You think this is a game or something?" Finn said.

"What are you talking about? Why are you so purp up about?" Louis said.

"You asking me why am I so purp up? Guys, kids from our school have been hurt and killed, do you all understand that? Guys! Kids have been hurt and killed today. And I think y'all had something to do with it." Finn said.

"What if most of them deserved it." Amy said.

"Okay. We need new rules. Rule #1. No more using your powers on living things. Rule #2. You can't use it when you're pissed. That's it! And rule #3. I don't think we should be using it in public anymore, or else people will get suspicious even our parents." Finn said.

"What? You can't just declare rules. Okay..." Miles said.

"I will declare rules." Finn said.

"What are you? The leader now?" Miles said.

"I will declare rules, Miles. If we're going to keep these powers, and getting stronger we need rules. Do you guys hear me?" Finn said.

"Said the guy who made a man shoot himself." Amy said.

"Finn, what is she talking about?" Susanne said.

"I can see people do things telepathically in my mind. Finn made a guy shoot himself in the head."Amy said.

"That was a mistake, Amy. The guy was robbing a woman." Finn tries to explain.

"Mistake? I think you knew what exactly what you were doing." Amy said.

"You shot a guy and you're making the rules. Such a fucking hypocrite." Louis said.

"Guys! That's not the point." Finn said.

"The point is we are doing this to people who treat us like trash. Like we're nothing." Amy said.

"Guys, come on. Finn is right. People will get suspicious if they found out. So, no more using our powers for hate or murder." Brittany said.

"Fine." Susanne agreed.

"I'm in." Miles aid.

"Same here." Louis said.

"Amy?" Brittany said.

"Whatever." Amy said.

"Good. Now it's settle." Finn said.

Everybody agree to Finn's rule, except for Amy who had her fingers cross.

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