Chapter 27

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I finally arrived at home. My new home. The first thing I did was plug my phone into the charger and while I left it there, I checked the fridge for something to eat. I decided on just eating yoghurt and I would cook for Felix and I tonight.

After finishing my yoghurt, I finally turned on my phone and checked my notifications. Apparently I missed a lot if messages from the group chat. First of all Felix' messages informing the group about what happened and then Chan and Minho replying almost right after and then the messages of the others much later.


Omg is he okay now??

No Jisungggg I'm so worried

He is okay now, I think
Chan and I left the hospital a few hours ago to still get some sleep
Minho stayed with him
Also if you wanna know what happened you should probably ask Jisung, it's not really my place to tell

Of course
All that matters is that he's okay

We should probably get ready for school now though

I'm done already
Also I hope Jisungie is okay soon

I decided to let them know I've arrived home safely.

I just got home
I'm okay now
I'll tell you guys what happened later
Idk if I'm ready for that yet
Thanks for worrying about me though :))

With that I turned of my phone and went upstairs, to my room, to .try and take a little nap.

After about half an hour I realised I wasn't gonna be able to fall asleep anytime soon, so I just decided to go for a walk.

I went to grab my coat, put my shoes back on and went outside, closing the door behind me.

For a moment I wondered where the hell I would go, but then I just decided to start walking and see where I'd end up.

Soon I realised I was walking towards the spot in the forest I went to when I got kicked out of my house. Minho's safe place.

I sat down there, staring out in front of me. This place is beautiful. I get why Minho likes this place. It's calming and the sounds of the birds chirping and the rustling leaves on the trees were soothing.

However I decided to put in my earphones and listen to some music. The first song that came into my mind was 'sober' by Childish Gambino, and so I started of with that song and made a queue with songs that fitted the location I was at.

Putting my phone down and focusing on the music and the scenery, I found myself relaxing and releasing some of the tension that was trapped in my body. This was nice.


Minho's pov

(This happens when Minho leaves the hospital)

I went back to school and arrived about halfway through lunch, going to the table where the rest of the group sat.

"Hey Minho, where were you?" Woojin asked me.

"I was still at the hospital" I replied, not really wanting to answer their questions.

"But why?" Jeongin asked.

"Well, we both fell asleep" I heard them gasp, they know I never sleep or at least not for that long. I usually sleep like a maximum of 3 hours spread out through the night. They looked at me wide eyed.

"Yeah I also don't know how it happened, anygay after that he had to do something and asked me to stay for it, because he didn't wanna do it alone, I'm not telling you guys what it was, because it's not my place to tell" I finished off.

After that everyone let it go and just went back to whatever they were talking about before and a few minutes later lunch was over and we had to go to our classes.

While in class, I kept checking my phone, seeing if Jisung had arrived home safely and I let out a breath of relief when I saw his message in the group chat.

After that I just kept trying to pay attention to the teachers, but they make it very difficult so I zoned out a couple times.


Thank you all for the love on this story, I really appreciate it :))

Anygays hope you enjoyed.

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