Chapter 26

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Jisung's pov

I was nervous to say the least. How was I supposed to act around the woman who raised me her whole life, but kicked me out the second she found out I like boys.

All of a sudden the door opened and in came my angry mother.

"Ugh, get up, we're getting out of here. Don't get in trouble again, next time I'm not gonna be this nice" she said, I didn't recognize her, this didn't seem like the caring mother she once was.

I had tears in my eyes. "I won't get in trouble anymore, m-mom" I tried to say as calmly as possible.

"Stop calling me that, you stopped being my son the moment you came out" she stated.

At this point we were finally outside. This was it. I wasn't gonna take this.

"Shut up! You're just like dad, you said you wouldn't leave me ever, you said you were always gonna be there for me! It was all a lie! You're a pathetic excuse of a mother and I hope you and that shit piece of a father both rot in hell. I dont want anything to do with any of you two ever again. Don't come running back to me when you're boyfriend leaves you, because I won't come back running to you just to do everything for you again, just keeping our whole household intact, because you are fooling around with some other boy toy again!" She looked at me shocked, but it soon turned into anger, rage even.

"How dare you speak to your mother like that?!"

"You're not my mother anymore! You said it yourself" I smirked, proud of myself.

"And for the record, I don't need you anymore. I have amazing friends now and a better support system I have ever had." I smiled, thinking of the amazing friends that I had by my side now.

"So bye, hope I never have to see you again" I practically skipped off. I felt free. She doesn't have any power over me anymore.

I suddenly realized I hadn't checked my phone since its battery died, so I quickly found a bus I could take home and let everyone know I was okay.


So I have a new twitter, dedicated to kpop, so y'all should follow me @straybish. Also I wanna ask you, suppose you don't know who my bias is. Who would you guess? I'm curious, I'll probably ask this someday on my twitter later just as a test. Honestly I also can't really choose just one bias so if y'all could help, that'd be great.

Anygays hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Also thank you all so much for 5k reads and don't forget to vote and maybe a follow would be nice?? You don't have to though, I would like it though :))

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