Chapter 39

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When Minho was done they started their drive to Chaeyoung's new apartment. It was a 10 minute drive and when they arrived they saw the moving truck had already arrived, so Chaeyoung should already be inside.

They got out of the car and went into the apartment complex, Minho checking his messages to see the exact apartment. It was on the 3rd floor so they took the elevator and arrived in the hallway. There were 3 apartments on each floor.

They saw that the door was open. Chaeyoung was just going out the door, ready to get more boxes from the moving truck when she saw Minho and the unknown boy, she assumed was Jisung.

"Minho!" She yelled out and ran up to him, throwing her arms around his neck, engulfing him in a tight hug.

Minho chuckled at the girl's excitement and hugged back. When they pulled away, Chaeyoung looked at Jisung.

"You must be Jisung, I'm Chaeyoung, nice to meet you" Chaeyoung also gave him a hug and Jisung was shocked, body a little tense. She seemed nice though so he hugged back timidly.

"Nice to meet you too" he gave her a little smile.

"Oh my god, you're so cute!" She again yelled out and Jisung laughed a little awkwardly, not knowing how to react.

"Shut up, you absolute dork, you're scaring him" Minho laughed. Jisung laughed too now, genuinely. He loved how happy and comfortable Minho seemed around her, he could see why too. She seemed nice.

"Oops, sorry Jisung, anygays I have to get more boxes, you guys coming?" Jisung already liked her, especially for her use of the word 'anygays'.

"Yes, oh and Jinnie should be here soon too" Minho told her as they followed her downstairs and to the moving truck, there wasn't that much left. Chaeyoung mostly needed the guys to help her put her furniture together. She wasn't about to do that all by herself.

Hyunjin did arrive soon, about 3 minutes later. Chaeyoung greeting him with a tight hug and a bright smile.

They all headed inside and decided to catch up a little, before actually starting to out the furniture together. They sat on the floor since Chaeyoung didn't have a couch yet.

"So what have you guys been up to?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Really not much, I'm glad you're here because you're gonna love our friends, they're so much better than those other snakes" Hyunjin said and Chaeyoung laughed.

"I sure hope so, I'm just glad I got away finally and I get to live on my own too" She said then, she was glad she had 2 friends already and wanted to become friends with the others too. Jisung especially, if this boy could win over Minho's heart, he must be special.

"So Jisung, tell me about yourself" Jisung was caught of guard, but tried to relax either way.

"Oh uhm, I'm not that interesting, I guess I love music. I like making songs and rapping and singing" Chaeyoung's eyes lit up at that.

"Oh my god, that's so great. I like rapping too, I've also written some raps, we should make a song together one day" She exclaimed. Jisung brightened up too now. He wasn't a social butterfly, but when he could talk about music, it was so much easier to relax.

"Yeah, we should. Oh and Chan and Changbin also make music, right Min?" Minho was shocked, because first of all, Jisung suddenly just relaxed and secondly that was the first time Sungie had called him that and it was cute. Minho tried not to be flustered so he could answer Jisung normally.

"Yeah, they do. Changbin and Chan are some of our other friends" He explained to Chaeyoung.

"Oh yeah, I remember you guys mentioning Changbin, isn't he dating a guy named Felix?" Chaeyoung had a good memory. Minho nodded.


Chaeyoung meets Jisung briefly.
I was gonna wait to publish this to have a few chapters pre written, but it's babygirl's birthday so I'm updating now.

Honestly Chaeyoung is a queen, I love her so much and I mean she is hot. I can't believe she's real. Anygays happy birthday to one of the most beautiful humans I've ever seen. This picture killed me when I first saw it.

 This picture killed me when I first saw it

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Hope you enjoyed.

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