chapter 12

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The raindrops pelted down steadily against the clear windows, and the sky hung a misty grey outside. It had been the same kind of weather for days, and it just made Forest wonder how the weather could reflect his feelings so accurately.

Perhaps it was a figment of his imagination, but ever since two weeks ago, everything just felt a little more bleak — the weather became colder and brought about an indescribable air of sadness to it. The skies became a little more dull — showing hues of grey rather than the usual azure.

Or maybe, it was because the person that had given him so much to remember had simply vanished, taking away the sunshine and warmth that she was together with her.

"Fletch." Forest mumbled, watching as the golden retriever made his way over to him. When the dog settled down comfortably in his lap, Forest sighed deeply. "Do you think she hates me?"

The dog only snuggled closer to him as a reply. "You miss Bailey, don't you?" He asked quietly. He shook his head slowly. "You're not alone. I miss Bailey's owner."

Perhaps Fletch recognised Bailey's name, because for a short moment, he looked up with bright, hopeful eyes. And Forest hated to break it to him.

"I can't bring you to see her."

Nothing seemed to be alright. But Forest hoped that all the sadness was fleeting, and finite.


THE RAIN STILL hadn't stopped.

Forest stared outside of the window from where he was seated in the café, his eyes following the crowd outside, hurrying along in the light drizzle with their umbrellas.

He could have been doing something else better with his time other than this — stuck waiting for another blind date as requested by his parents.

He took a small sip of his latte, feeling the bitter liquid trickle down his parched throat. Soft symphonies filled the air of the otherwise quiet café, and Forest glanced up just in time to see someone enter the café, her heels clattering on the wooden floor loudly.

The clattering sound grew louder, and the woman came to stand in front of him. It took a second for Forest to realise who it was — his date for today.

"Lauren?" Forest raised a brow, tilting his head in confusion as she nodded, taking a seat across him.

"The one and only." She said, tossing her head back as she called out to the waiter for an orange juice.

"Just brilliant. Why are you here?"

"Didn't your parents tell you? I'm your date." She replied, propping her elbows on the table. When Forest didn't reply, she added on, "well then, I'll tell you. Surprise, I'm your blind date for today."

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