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Simon: you doing anything later?

Chloe: nope, why?

Simon: it's a surprise. but be ready for 6 and find somebody to babysit

Chloe: wow is this THE Simon Edward Minter inviting me out on a date?

Simon: date is a boring word. let's call it an adventure

Chloe: when does the adventure end? and what are we going on an adventure for?

Simon: to fall in love. and you're stuck with me forever so it never ends ;)

Chloe: i'll go and ask Tobi or Manny if they can look after Ache.

"Ache!" She came skipping out of her bedroom smiling. "Why are you so happy?"

"I found daddy! I won!" She did a little victory dance before climbing up onto the sofa.

"Should we go and tell Tobi and Manny?" Her smile grew with excitement as she ran towards the door to put her crocs on.

As usual, Ache runs out the apartment singing Tobi and Manny's names, stopping when the door opens and Manny pulls her into a hug.

"I found daddy!" Manny celebrated with Achelois as he walked over to the sofa with us both.

"You're the hide and seek winner now!" Achelois replies with a high-pitched 'yay' before running over to Tobi and telling him the same. 

"You told him." Manny smiles before hugging me.

"Yep. JJ babysat yesterday morning and when I went to pick her up Simon let me into the house. I decided to tell him whilst I was there so he could see Ache if he wanted to."

"He took it well then."

"Better than expected. He looked after her for the afternoon then came over for dinner so I could explain things fully." 

"So does he know everything now?" Tobi and Manny both knew about the miscarriage and they're the only ones other than Simon and both our families that know. 

"Pretty much. It's a bit of a short notice but can you babysit Ache for me?"

"Of course, where are you going?"

"On an adventure." 

"Been reunited for a day and Simon's already asking you out. There must have been some serious feelings when you two were younger then" They both smiled at each other. 

"How do you know it was Simon I was going with?"

"Simon's always said that the word 'date' is formal so he prefers to call them adventures."

"What time are you leaving?" 

"He'll be here for six."

"So go and get ready, you have two hours." Tobi shooed me out the door and a quick goodbye from Ache was heard before the door was closed in my face. Just like the miscarriage, Tobi and Manny knew about the feelings I had for Simon.

Time to get ready for my childhood dream date. 

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