Two days later i'm sitting in the bathroom curling my hair gently for the men's hockey game happening in an hour. "Oh she's getting all pretty for her man" I see Emily leaning against the doorframe, "I want to look pretty for myself thank you very much" she laughs, "okayyy whatever you say" I ignore her and continue doing my hair. Minutes later i'm done my hair, so I move on to my usual makeup routine, "girl you should change it up, maybe some red to show extra support" I turn to see Gwen watching me with a smile, "I wouldn't want to mess it up" she sits next to me, "i'll do it" I smile, "you're the best" she smiles, "thanks, now sit still" I do as she requests and before I know it i'm all ready for the night ahead full of hockey.
At the arena an hour later the four of us are sitting a few rows up from the ice watching the Wisconsin players skating around for warmups. "Gwenny I forgot to tell you something" the blond turns to me confused, "Eli told me he would get me a puck during warmups" her eyes widen, "girl what are you doing sitting here, go down to the glass" I bite my lip as I watch the players. I'm shoved out of my seat, I almost face plant but I catch the seat in front of me before anything bad happens. I turn my gaze to Gwen and glare, "you weren't moving so I made you" I huff but stand up and make my way down the aisle to the glass. "GET YOUR MAN!" I hear Sierra yell at full volume, making several people look at her, I blush and look down at my feet as I situate myself in front of the glass separating me from the players. I curl my hands into the sleeves of my Badgers hoodie as I watch the action in front of me.
A tap on the glass makes me jump, I spot the source of the tap to see Eli smiling at me through the cage of his helmet, I place my hands on the glass while smiling, he brings out his glove and opens his hand to show me a puck, I give him a thumbs up and he laughs. I bite my lip nervously as I watch him, he gestures that he's going to throw it over the glass, I nod and step back from the glass slightly to get ready for the puck. I watch him toss the black puck up and over the glass effortlessly, my hands catch the frozen rubber and I smile at Eli while placing a hand on the glass gently. He surprises me when he takes his glove off to place his hand in line with mine on his side of the glass, thank you, I mouth, he nods before skating back to his teammates.
As the game comes to an end with the Badgers winning a convincing 7-3 we gather our belongings. My phone vibrates in my hand making me stop what i'm doing, I see a text come in from Eli. I smile as I unlock the phone and go into my messaging app,
Eli: wait for me at the front entrance
Anna: okay!
I slip my phone back into my pocket with a grin on my face, "what? tell us!" I look towards my friends, "he wants me to wait for him at the front entrance" Sierra jumps up and down, while Emily grins and Gwen smiles, "that's great Anna, i'm so happy for you" I bite my lip, "thanks, I hope it works out" Sierra links her arm with mine, "i'm pretty sure it will" I shrug as we walk up the aisle to leave the Kohl Center.
When the four of us are at the front entrance I start to feel nervous about seeing Eli, "girl, relax you've been texting him for almost a week you guys like each other" Emily tells me while squeezing my arm, "I know but I can't help it" she smiles before letting go of me. I hear footsteps so I look up to see Graham coming this way in his suit, I look over at Gwen and see her smiling widely at him. I make my way over to her silently and watch their silent interaction for a few seconds before shoving her towards him. Gwen stumbles forward but Graham catches her before she can fall, I see my friend blush as she holds onto him. Graham says something that we can't hear and Gwen smiles before telling him something in return, the hockey player leans forward and kisses her cheek before letting go of her and walking to the exit. The three of us squeal when Graham is out of earshot, "that was so cute! What did he say?" I exclaim, the blonde blushes and smiles, "he asked me to dinner" I grin and bring her into a hug, "I knew he liked you, i'm so happy" Gwen squeezes me, "i'm really happy too" I pull away from her, letting our other friends hug her.
As I back away from them I spot another player waking our way, I grin when I realize that it's Eli. Something comes over me as I run to him, throwing my arms over his shoulders in a hug, he laughs but bring his own arms around me. "You did really great out there, I had so much fun, even though I only understood when a goal happened" Eli lets go of me but keeps his hands on my hips, "I'm happy that you liked it, but we'll have to get you all caught up on hockey rules" I nod enthusiastically making him smile. "We gotta go babe, early lecture tomorrow" I peer over my shoulder at Sierra and nod, I look back at Eli, "she's right we need to go" he shrugs, "I get it Anna don't worry" I go on my toes to press a gentle kiss to his cheek, "I'll see you soon" he nods and I bound over to my friends. I peer over my should one last time with a smile as the four of us walk out of the building to get back to the car.
Back at the house we all go our separate ways. In my room I immediately change into my pjs and wipe off all of my makeup before getting comfy in my bed. My phone vibrates on my night stand, I grab it and see a message from Eli waiting,
Eli: goodnight Anna 😁
Anna: goodnight Eli 😊
I bite my lip as I set the device back down. After shimmying around a bit I find the perfect position and I turn of my lamp. I almost immediately fall asleep once my head hits the pillow.

The Graduation List
RomanceIt's senior year and Anna Emery can't help but feel like she missed out on college experiences because of her workload... Can one moment change that?