Four days later as puck drop approaches, I still find myself buried in my textbooks, my hair in a messy bun and my hand cramping because of all the typing i've been doing. I'm suddenly taken out of my homework induced haze when my phone vibrates, I blink a few times before grabbing the device, I smile when I see that a new message from Eli is waiting,
Eli: how's your assignment going darling?
Anna: there's so much left to do, I don't think i'll be able to come to the game E
Eli: Anna please come, not because of the game, come because you need a break for your mental and physical health, I don't want to worry about you being locked away in your room driving yourself crazy
Anna: why can I never say no to you when you decide to make sense and bring out the worry card
Eli: Its one of my many talents gorgeous, I have to give in my phone now, but i'll see you after the game in the usual spot
Anna: okay handsome, go kick butt, i'll be cheering as loud as I can
Eli: ❤️
Later when i'm finishing up one part of my multi-part assignment the doorbell rings, I footsteps and the front door opening and closing. I don't think anything of it until there's a knock on my bedroom door, I slide off of the bed and shuffle across the floor before opening the door. Emily is smiling as she hands me a box, "dropped off for you" she explains before walking away. When i'm back on my bed I place the mysterious box on my lap. Once the top is off I see a note sitting on something red,
I figured you would want something to wear to support your boyfriend
I grin at Eli's note before placing it on the nightstand, I bite my lip as I take out the Badgers hockey jersey, my eyes catch something on the back so I flip it seeing Eli's last name across the shoulders with his number below it. My fingers gently run along the smooth font before I go back to my assignment to finish one last thing before getting ready for the game.
A half hour before puck drop me and Gwen leave for the rink in her car, "I know it was kinda crazy a few days ago, but I really am happy that you guys are a couple, you needed each other" I smile as I play with the oversized sleeves of the hockey jersey i'm wearing, "i'm so happy too Gwenny, i've never felt this way about a guy, especially not this quickly" my best friend takes my hand and squeezes it, "you deserve this, that being said if he does something stupid I will injure him" I laugh and squeeze her hand, "I wouldn't expect anything else from you" she grins before placing both hands on the wheel again.
By the time me and Gwen are in our seats at the arena the game has started and my eyes immediately find Eli on the ice. I bite my lip as I watch the players skate from one end of the ice to the other. I fully focus on the game for next few hours with my hands curling around the sleeves of the jersey i'm wearing.
Once the game is over the two of us make our way to the usual spot to meet our boys. I'm thumbing at the hem of the jersey, that falls to my thighs, as I wait for Eli to finish up with post game stuff. Gwen nudges me a few minutes later making me look up, I grin when I see my boyfriend approaching us, "i'm going to go wait for Graham over there to give you guys some alone time" I nod at her before turning back to the blonde hockey player. Eli suddenly hoists me off of the ground making me giggle as I clutch onto his arms, he's smiling at me as he lowers me back to my feet, "i'm so happy that you're here, that jersey looks so much better on you" he whispers as he pulls me flush against him, I blush as I hold onto the lapels of his suit, "you're looking pretty amazing in this suit" his hands move to my lower back as I look up at him shyly. "Want to go get some food?" he asks, I nod and he kisses my lips gently while squeezing my hips, he pulls away and I grin as he takes my hand pulling me out of the arena. We walk by Gwen who gestures to call her later, I nod and let Eli take me to his Jeep.
A few minutes later Eli parks the car, I look out my window and see the well known fancy Italian restaurant in the area. My door opens to Eli smiling at me, "we can't go here, i'm way underdressed" he takes my hand pulling me out of the car, "if they have a problem with that i'll give them hell" I bite my lip nervously as I look at the restaurant, "darling it's going to be okay" I look up at the blonde and he tugs me towards him kissing my lips. We pull away from each other seconds later and Eli closes the passenger door, locking the car before pulling me towards the restaurant.
Later the two of us are sitting across from each other in a secluded corner of the restaurant, Eli has my hand in his on top of the table, his thumb stroking my skin. "Are you doing okay gorgeous?" I smile at him, "i'm better now, I really did need a break from that assignment" he brings my hand up and kisses my knuckles gently, "i'm glad that you're better, I hate when you overwork yourself like that" I shrug, "it's in my nature, especially with the program i'm in" he smiles, "well now i'm here to make sure you don't burn out and give you occasional breaks" I nod and squeeze his hand.
Eli parks his Jeep in the driveway of my house as I fidget with my fingers, his hand comes to mine making me look up at him. "You okay Anna?" I nod with a smile, he brings my hand up and kisses my knuckles making me blush, I bite my lip as I watch him. Eli peers up at me with a quirked eyebrow, "what are you thinking about gorgeous?" I shrug before boldly climbing over the gear stick to get onto his lap, his eyes are wide as his hands come to my hips. My own hands move to his shoulders "what are you doing?" Eli asks, I tilt my head slightly before shrugging, "i'm feeling bold" his hands squeeze my hips gently, "I can get off if you want" I start to get off of him but his hands keep me in place, "that's the last thing that I want Anna" my fingers move up to weave into his hair as I blush. Eli lowers his head kissing my exposed shoulder where the jersey has moved, he continues up my neck making my fingers tighten in his hair as I move my head to give him more access, I squeal in surprise when he bites my skin gently, Eli laughs before pulling away to look at me. I tug the back of his neck as I press my lips to his, the hands at my hips tighten as our lips move in sync. I pull away out of breath and swiftly open the door of the Jeep, I climb off of Eli and take his hand, "come inside?" the blonde nods quickly, jumping out of the car before locking it. I pull the hockey player into the house, telling him to stay quiet as we go to my bedroom.
Once in the bedroom I close the door gently before turning towards the bed, Eli is sitting on the edge of it, sliding off his blazer before tugging off his tie. I smile before making my way to my dresser, where I grab some pjs shorts and an old t-shirt taking it into my washroom where I change into the comfier clothes. After folding the Wisconsin jersey I make my way into the bedroom again, I place the folded fabric on my desk before going to the bed where Eli is laying in only his boxers, I freeze at the sight taking in his toned body while biting my lip, "take a picture gorgeous, it'll last longer" I blush deeply at his words before looking down at my feet as I walk over. I slide onto the bed shyly, Eli laughs before winding an arm around my waist tugging me to his body, "oh so you're going to act shy now, after everything in the car" I peer up at him and shrug. He smiles before nuzzling his face into my neck, I giggle as he peppers kisses along my skin, my fingers move to his hair tugging gently making him groan, I let go at the sound blushing. Eli looks at me, his eyes darker than usual, "come here darling it's okay" he gently moves me onto his lap my legs on either side of him, my eyes widen at the bulge I feel under my butt, "is this okay?" my eyes meet his to see a concerned expression on his face, I look down at his smooth skin, my hands splayed out on his abs, "can we just cuddle? i'm not....i've never..." Eli's hand comes to my cheek as he shifts closer to me, I look up at him, "hey it's okay, we don't need to do anything if you aren't ready" I nod and slide off of him. I don't get far before his arm winds around my waist pulling me to his chest, I smile at the warmth he provides, "thank you for not rushing me" Eli presses a kiss to my shoulder squeezing me, "I can wait, it's not a big deal" my hand comes over his, "how did I get so lucky?" I mumble as my eyes become heavy, "I ask myself the same thing every day" I hear ElI say before I fall into a dreamless sleep.

The Graduation List
Roman d'amourIt's senior year and Anna Emery can't help but feel like she missed out on college experiences because of her workload... Can one moment change that?