16 - Start Dating III

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The warmth surrounding me wakes me up the next day, I slowly open my eyes and see that Eli's arm is still slung over my waist. I peer over my shoulder and smile at the sight of the sleeping hockey player, I move my gaze away from him realizing that I really need to go to the bathroom. I bite my lip as I attempt to sneak away, Eli's legs intertwine with mine, and his arm tightens around me, "no don't go" he mumbles sleepily, "I really need to go to the bathroom, i'll be really quick" he sighs but lets me go. When i'm finished doing my business in the bathroom I tiptoe back to the bed seeing that Eli looks like he's asleep. I crawl onto the bed and squeal when my boyfriend grabs me around my waist pulling me onto him, Eli opens his eyes smiling at me, "I totally got you there" I giggle, "you sure did" he brings a hand up to my cheek, cradling it gently, "are you okay after last night?" I place my hand over his and nod, "yes i'm totally fine, don't worry" he shifts his body before pressing his lips to mine softly. 

When I pull away from the kiss I'm grinning, "I love you" he smiles, "I love you darling" I hoist myself upwards getting off of him to get dressed into something other than my underwear. I hear a groan so I peer over my shoulder confused, "when did you get that tattoo?" my hand immediately goes to the butterfly tattoo on my lower back, "last summer, me and my friends all have matching ones" I shrug sheepishly at the shocked hockey player watching me, "I would've never guessed" I slide on my tank top from last night before shimmying into my jeans, "I guess you don't know everything about me". I turn to Eli when I'm all dressed, "wanna go get some breakfast?" he nods before his eyes slowly take me in, I blush, "stop that" he stands, walking to me his hands going to my hips, "my girlfriend is gorgeous, I can't help it, especially after last night" I get redder at his words, he laughs kisses my head and walks away to get dressed.


Later we're in a booth at the local diner where all Wisconsin students go, i'm sitting across from Eli in a booth right at the front window. When we have ordered our food, I bring my hands onto the table my gaze turning to the window watching people walking around. Hands come on mine making me look back over at Eli, he leans over the table catching my lips with his, my hand rests on his cheek as he keeps his hand on mine. When I pull away i'm smiling, "what was that for?" I ask the hockey player across from me, "because I can, and I love you" he replies with his thumb running along my knuckles. My smile widens at his words "love you too E" he kisses my nose gently making me giggle. As he pulls away the waitress appears with our food, I thank her when she puts my plate down and she smiles asking us if we need anything else, when we don't ask for anything else she leaves us alone. 

When we're finished at the diner and get back into Eli's Jeep I sigh, "what darling?" I pout at him, "can you take me to my house? I really need to work on some homework" he nods, "of course Anna" I take his hand squeezing it as he starts the car driving out of the parking lot of the diner. At my house minutes later we're sitting in the car in the driveway, I turn to Eli, "well I guess I should go" he nods, I lean over the gear stick and press my lips to his, he brings a hand behind my head elongating the kiss, I giggle when he won't let me go, "Eli I really need to go" I say, he lets me go. "Don't look at me like that E, we're both busy with our schedules" he sighs, "you're right, I guess i'll text you later" I nod and kiss his cheek before getting out of his Jeep. He honks as he backs out of the driveway, I turn and wave one last time as I go up our walkway going into our house.


As soon as I get to the living room my friends all look my way with smiles on their faces. "How was it?" Gwen asks while patting the cushion next to her to get me to sit, I smile as I sit down, "it was perfect, don't get me wrong it hurt but it was worth it" they all squeal and Gwen hugs me. When I pull away from the hug I get up again, "I need to go do some homework" they all complain saying that we should hangout, I shake my head in disagreement, "I really need to work on this assignment" they pout but don't hold me back as I go to my room to hit the books for the rest of the afternoon and evening.

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