14 - Start Dating II

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A few nights later the hockey team doesn't have a game, practice or road trip so me and Eli decide to make it a date night. After a ton of shared texts we come to an agreement to have a date night at my house, keeping it very casual and laid back. As the evening approaches I grab all of the blankets that I own and bring them to our couch wanting to have ultimate comfort when Eli is here. "We're going to go now A, use protection" I shove Sierra out the door and she laughs before closing the door, I look out the window watching my friends getting into a taxi to have their night out, giving me and Eli the house to ourselves. 

A knock on the door an hour later makes me jump up from where I was sitting while waiting. I bound over to the entryway opening the door. Eli is standing on our porch in sweatpants and a Wisconsin hockey hoodie, I grin up at him, "hey! come in" he smiles and I take his hand pulling him into the house. He slides his shoes off before coming into the living room with me, I throw my arms out as if to show him what a great job I did at making a comfy couch, he laughs, "looks great beautiful" I hop onto the couch full of blankets and he joins me. "How's the cut feeling?" I ask while facing him, my eyes moving up to the healing wound, "it doesn't hurt so it's fine" he replies while pulling me to his side, I tilt my head so that I can keep looking at his face, "i'm glad that you're okay, I almost had a heart attack when I saw you go down" Eli smiles before lowering his lips to mine. After a few seconds he pulls away, "i'll try not to cause anymore heart attacks in the future" I smile before bringing a hand up to run my fingers through his hair, "good, I love you and I don't want to lose you anytime soon" he kisses me again my hand curling into his hair as he pulls me into him even more, "I love you so much, you won't lose me" he mumbles as he pulls away from me. 

"Okay enough of this, let's get this date night started" he laughs and I grab the remote off of the coffee table in front of us, "what movie should we watch?" his eyes light up, "Miracle" I laugh and flip through all the options before finding it. When I press the play button the timer beeps from the kitchen, I untangle myself from the blankets and Eli before taking the pizza I made out of the oven. "Darling you're missing the movie" I peer over my shoulder at my boyfriend who's watching me with a pout, "give me a second, I need to cut this and i'll be there" he turns back to the movie as I divide up the pizza, putting them on plates before going back to the couch. "She can cook and she's gorgeous, i've hit the jackpot" I hand him his plate before sitting again, "I put a frozen pizza in the oven, I don't know if that's considered cooking" he kisses my temple, "I don't care it is to me" I smile, "thank you for making this" I shrug as I dig into my first slice. We sit in silence as we eat, our gazes on the movie playing on the TV. 


Later i'm leaning on Eli, his fingers moving along my back as I have my arms wrapped around his torso, with my head on his chest. My hands move around until I feel the hem of Eli's sweater, I bite my lip as I slide my fingers under the fabric feeling his skin. He tenses his hands freezing as he looks down at me, "what are you up to?" I peer up at him, "nothing, can't a girlfriend enjoy the feel of her boyfriend's skin?" he squints at me, "yes but you never do this" I shrug before moving so that I can press my lips to his for a quick kiss. "I love you" Eli smiles as he brings me on top of him, "love you even more" I lower my lips to his again, his hand move up to my cheek, his thumbs running along my skin before he brings some loose hair behind my ear. I pull away slowly smiling down at Eli, "you get more beautiful every time I see you darling" I blush looking down at his chest, "i'm wearing sweats and my hair isn't even brushed" he taps my chin making me look up, "that's when I find you the most beautiful" I bite my lip my cheeks still red. Eli brings his thumb to my lip tugging it from my teeth, "stop doing that, you'll make it bleed" I smile at him sheepishly, "oops" he laughs and I feel the vibration from the sound making me grin. "Do you want to go to my room? there's more space there than on this couch" he nods, I get off of him, grabbing all of the blankets before walking to my bedroom with Eli following along. 

Once in the bedroom I drop the blankets by my closet before throwing off my sweater leaving me in a t-shirt and the sweatpants i've been wearing all day. "Much better" I say before going over to the bed where Eli is waiting for me, "is it okay if I take my sweater off too?" he asks, I nod and he slides off the hoodie he's wearing, leaving his bare chest on display. He drops the hoodie on my desk chair and I quickly put my hair into a bun my eyes staying on him while biting my lip. Eli looks at me winking while gesturing for me to come to him, I giggle but make my way over to him. He's sitting on the edge of my bed, when i'm close enough his hands go to my hips pulling me between his legs before they move to the back of my thighs, "this has been my favourite date" I nod as I brush back his hair with my fingers, "we should definitely do more dates like this one" my hands move down to his shoulders as I smile at the hockey player holding me. "Let's get on this bed, standing and sitting is too much effort" I nod and his arms come around me hoisting me onto the bed, I squeal in surprise as my hands grip his shoulders, he laughs making me giggle as we lay on my bed facing each other.  I let out a loud yawn just now realizing how tired I actually am, Eli pulls me to his chest his arms winding around my waist, my own arms wrap around him as my head rests on his chest, "go to sleep Anna" I nod into him as my eyes close. 

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