The next day as i'm walking on campus between lectures, I'm sipping at the coffee I bought minutes earlier with a smile on my face. Hands suddenly come to my waist making me jump, spilling the hot drink onto my shirt in the process, I look back and see Eli smiling at me sheepishly, "oops" he mumbles, I shove his shoulder, "thanks a lot E, I don't have time to go get a shirt from the house" I exclaim while trying to clean up the stain on my shirt. "You can wear my sweater" the blonde hockey player interjects, I look up at him while lifting an eyebrow, "really?" he nods enthusiastically before sliding off his backpack dropping it to the ground as he takes his sweater off, leaving him in a long sleeved shirt, he grins as he holds out the sweater for me to take. I smile shyly at Eli as I take the clothing, I then hug him, he laughs before bringing his own arms around me in a hug, I feel the tall hockey player kiss my head gently making me grin into his chest. I pull away seconds later with a smile, "thank you, I should go change and then go to class" he grabs his backpack off of the ground slinging it over his shoulder, "anytime Anna" I bite my lip deciding if I want to kiss him, his eyes zero in on the gesture. I throw caution to the wind and stride back to him going on my toes to press my lips to his, Eli's hand comes to the back of my head keeping our lips locked as they move in sync.
Once we pull away later I try to catch my breath after the intense kiss, "okay I really need to go now" he laughs while running his fingers through his hair, "i'll see you later beautiful" I nod as I back away from him with a smile on my face, Eli winks making me blush as I turn away from him to walk to the nearest washroom to switch my shirt with his sweater. I walk into my lecture hall minutes later wearing Eli's sweater that hits me mid thigh with the sleeves needing to be rolled up several times, I make my way to my usual seat in the front of the class before sitting and unpacking my necessary belongings. "Girl, I literally saw you an hour ago, what happened to your outfit?" I turn to Sierra with a sigh, "Eli happened, he decided to scare me and I spilled my coffee on my shirt, he let me borrow his sweater so that I wouldn't need to wear the stained shirt" she rolls her eyes, "why do guys do that, no girl likes getting jump scared on campus" i laugh, "tell me about it, I bet he won't do it again because of what happened today" she snorts, "yeah right A, he's a hockey player, it's what he always does, whether it's with you or his teammates" I pout knowing that she's right. Before either of us can talk anymore the professor starts the class.
When class ends, everyone starts making noise as they pack up their things, amongst the noise I hear some girls talking, "I bet she's just some puck bunny that he's sleeping with" I stop my movements at the random girl's words, there's a girly laugh, "she's probably an airhead and a hoe" another girl exclaims. I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I look over at Sierra, she looks like she's ready to slap someone, "I swear to god i'm ready to give them a piece of my mind" I shake my head, "don't they're not worth it S" her expression turns to one of shock, "are you hearing those girls, what they're saying isn't true" I finish packing up my things and zip up my backpack, "fighting fire with fire isn't going to do anything about it, it will probably just make it worse" she huffs, "fine, I won't do anything but only because I love you and trust you" I smile at her and we leave the room together.
The two of us walk into the house later, I drop my things by the front door before grabbing my stained shirt from my bag to go wash it. When walking by the living room I see Gwen and Emily sitting on the couch, "hey" I exclaim they wave their hands in the air not looking away from the TV, I laugh but continue on to the laundry room. When my shirt is getting washed I go to my bedroom, I open the door and am surprised to see Eli fast asleep on my bed, I tiptoe across the floor with a smile, I get onto the bed and slide next to him, my fingers gently running through his messy hair. The smile that appears on his face tells me that he's awake, "hi E" his arm comes around my waist pulling me flush against him, I giggle and he opens his eyes, "how was class?" I shrug, "nothing exciting" my mind wanders back to the girls and their comments making my fingers stop brushing through Eli's hair, "Anna what's wrong?" I look into his blue eyes and smile, "it's nothing I just remembered the horrible assignment I have to write for that class" he grins before pressing a quick kiss to my lips, I giggle, "how did you even get into my room?" his hand moves some loose hair out of my face, "your roommates let me in" I purse my lips, "I didn't know we were at the stage in our relationship where we can take naps on each others beds" he laughs, "how about we change that" I bite my lip, "but we literally went on our first date yesterday, isn't this a bit crazy and fast?" he shrugs, "no idea, but it feels right to me" my fingers traces shapes into his chest as I think over his words. "how do you make everything sound so simple?" he laughs and brings an arm behind his head as he shifts onto his back, bring me with him so that i'm now laying on his chest, "I guess it just comes naturally" I smile up at the hockey player. "So what do you say Anna? Be mine?" I nod enthusiastically before pressing my lips to his, Eli places his hands on my lower back as our lips move in sync.
"Hey Anna can I borrow--" I jump off of Eli at the sound of Gwen's voice, her eyes are wide as she processes what she saw, "uhhh never mind, i'll ask Sierra" she exclaims before leaving the room and shutting the door. I blush as I sit on the bed next to Eli, I hear his deep chuckle before I feel the bed shift, his arms come around me from behind as his legs comes to either side of me, "it's okay Anna no need to be embarrassed" he proceeds to kiss my red cheek, I giggle and look back at him, "you ready to go out there boyfriend" he nods, "as long as you're ready girlfriend" I nod too as we climb off of the bed, to face my roommates.
When we're in the living room, Eli takes my hand in his, I smile at him before turning back to where my three roommates are sitting. "I hope you guys used protection" Emily yells out, I blush and Eli squeezes my hand, "we didn't have sex so shut up" I exclaim, "but we're official now" I add while smiling up at the hockey player next to me. A bunch of squeals make me look away from him, my friends are running towards us, before either of us can do anything we're wrapped in a group hug, I giggle as Eli winds his arms around me tightly. "My dreams have come true, i'm going to start planning the wedding" Gwen exclaims as she pulls away from the hug, making everyone else do the same, "woah don't get ahead of yourself girl" I reply as Eli keeps me in his arms, "plus you need to plan your wedding to G first" he tells her, my friend blushes before walking out of the room, me and Eli laugh. "Okay I need to go check on the idiots at our house, but I fully expect you at our game this weekend" I nod and he presses a quick kiss to my lips before letting go of me and walking out of the house.

The Graduation List
RomanceIt's senior year and Anna Emery can't help but feel like she missed out on college experiences because of her workload... Can one moment change that?