2. Jack's POV

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"Hey Jack!"


"What's up Jack?!"

Sure, I might like attention every now and then. Being popular gave me that in college. But it can get annoying.

"Hey man." Now this was a voice I knew, one I actually didn't mind responding to. My best friend, Zack.

"Hey Hulk." I smirked. He rolled his eyes and punched my arm playfully. He's very well built, so I started calling him Hulk. Even though he hates the name. "Hulk angry? HULK SMASH!" I teased. Zack just laughed and rolled his eyes as we sat in our usual seat next to each other in our English Comp. class.

"Hey Zack." That flirtatious voice just happened to belong to a girl by the name of Tiara. Slutty, right?

"Hi Tiara." I tried to keep my voice polite while Zack just sat back in his chair, holding back laughter.

"Are you coming to my party tonight?" She asked sweetly. Too sweet.

"No, I want him to come to mine!" Allison screeched. Another fangirl of mine. They started to bicker and I just leaned back, putting my hands behind my head and propping my feet up on my desk.

"Jack, come to my party?" Allison asked, leaning on my table, her chest in full view.

"No, come to mine!" Tiara begged, mocking Allison's pose on the other side. I searched my head for a way out of this. Sadly, my head it always empty.

"Sorry ladies. He's my man tonight." I heard Zack tell them with fake seduction, even sliding his arm around my shoulders and using his other hand to rub my chest. I tried so hard not to laugh. The other part of my was silently thanking Zack for saving me. Sure, I like girls and one night stands, but I don't like girls who throw themselves at me. I like to chase them.

The girls blushed and went to their seats, allowing me to laugh and shrug Zack's arm off me. He kept his head on my shoulder and I let him.


"Do you want to go to a party?" Zack asked as we walked across the large lawn of the university.

"You know I do. I'm a partying kind of guy!" I shouted dramatically. I ignored the lovestruck stares of girls we walked past. I haven't seen any that caught my eye yet.

"Yeah. Just don't cause another pregnancy scare!"

"That was one time, okay? I think you really need to forget that!" We both burst into a fit of laughter. Laughter is what I do best. I love pranks, and jokes, and puns. I pulled out my phone and logged onto Twitter, thinking of a great pun.

@KatBoner: Shout out to my neck for always keeping my head up!

"Really Jack?!" Zack laughed. I realized he was scrolling through Twitter, which made me laugh. I got a new follower and laughed at the name. "What?"

"Someone followed me. Their name is great." I showed him the phone and he chuckled, shaking his head. I followed him back before creating another tweet.

@KatBoner: Your name is perfection. @GallonsOfGaskarth

@GallonsOfGaskarth: Your puns are perfection.

@KatBoner: It's nice to know someone enjoys them as much as I do! @GallonsOfGaskarth

I never got a reply.


"I'm glad you could make it!" My old friend Austin shouted over the music in his living room. I gave him a quick hug before weaving my way through the crowded living room and to the back yard.

"How're you liking the party?" I asked Austin's long time boyfriend, Alan, as I grabbed a beer out of the cooler. I only asked because Alan was never really a fan of parties, or lost attention from Austin.

"It sucks. I've barely seen Austin all night." He pouted. I just chuckled and took a chug of my beer.

"He's in the living room, hun." I told him. He thanked me before pushing his way into the house.

My gaze caught a really hot girl on the other side of the porch. She was wearing too tight jeans and a too small shirt. Big boobs though. Just the way I like 'em. I walked past a few people and over to her. She looked up, excitement in her eyes. I'm guessing she's one of the many girls that know I like playing hard to get.

"Hey there." I said into her ear, pushing against her slightly. I could see the blush on her cheeks, even though she tried to hide it.

"Mr. Barakat." She said simply, leaning back against the rail, chest on full view.

"You know my name, but I don't know yours." I told her, moving my hand to her hip and bringing her up against me. She bit her lip, trying to think of a reply. I smirked cockily. I knew I already had her wrapped around my finger.

"Why do you want to know my name?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow. I leaned in closer, my lips brushing her ear. I could feel her shiver.

"I want to know what to scream tonight." I knew it was cheesy, but damn, girls liked it. And I liked girls. Win win situation.

"Sally." She replied, looking up with lustful eyes.


"Mmm, good morning." Dammit, she was still here. I knew we should've went to her place.

"You know it was a one night stand, right?" I grumbled without opening my eyes. I knew it was mean. But if I was nice, they wouldn't leave.

"But I thought-"

"You thought wrong. I like sex and girls. You were willing, so I got what I wanted. Bye now." I said bluntly. She gasped and got out of my bed, pulling on her clothes before leaving angrily. My phone beeped with a twitter notification, but I really didn't want to be bothered. The curiosity inside me got the better of me. And I was glad it did.

@GallonsOfGaskarth: Got any new puns? I could really use the cheering up right now.. @KatBoner


A/N: How are we doing so far??(:


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