11. Alex's POV

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"No fucking way," Justin said, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk.


"My ex that I was telling you about? He's here. Muscles over there, that's Zack." He nodded towards the left. I looked over, and my jaw dropped.

"That's Jack. The one I've been talking about. Zack's his boyfriend? No fair," i grumbled. Justin laughed.

"You're totally in love with him, just admit it." I rolled my eyes.

"Nope. Besides, it's not like it would ever work. He's got a boyfriend. Unless..." I let my voice trail off, an evil smirk growing on my face. "Unless he didn't." Justin raised an eyebrow at me, not getting it.

"I was following, until you said that. Explain."

"You're pretty attractive, wouldn't you say? Enough to make an ex want you, right?" I suggested slyly. A grin spread over his face.

"Oh I've taught you well, Gaskarth. That's devious and cruel and pretty much fool proof. I'm in. I'll be sure to stay the night." He winked at me, smirking.

"Don't make it obvious. You don't know Jack, remember?" I winked right back at him.

"Who's Jack?" He asked innocently. I'm so lucky to have professional liars as friends.

"Think you can pull it off?" He shrugged.

"Should be easy enough. Maybe I'll pull the asshole card so they'll feel like they have to protect you from me." He said, and snickered.

"Just be careful when you mention me. If you're outright with it they might suspect something." He rolled his eyes at me.

"I know, Gaskarth. I also know that he saw and recognized me. Did you see how he just left? Blank faced? Oh yeah, he definitely saw me." I nodded in agreement.

"Definitely. Now go get him. Text me if it works. Or doesn't. Meet me at my place either way once it's over." He rolled his eyes again, but nodded, sticking his hands in his pockets, turning his head down, and started walking in the same direction Zack ran off in.

I went home, feeling a strange mixture of giddiness, gladness, and minor guilt. I could easily ignore the guilt, though, because it meant I had a chance with Jack. I wouldn't admit it out loud, but I did have a crush on him. Especially not to Justin. I trusted him with my life, don't get me wrong, but he's the type to tease consistently, and even though it would all be in good fun, I wasn't sure if I could handle it.

Justin: On the right start.

I got the text as soon as I got home. Is it wrong that I was feeling pretty proud of myself for coming up with this plan? Was the plan itself wrong? Probably. But I didn't really give a shit.


I woke up the next morning with two texts from Justin.

Justin: Jack's pissed.

Then, a few moments later;

Justin: The plot thickens. On my way to your place.

That was ten minutes ago. I groaned, and rolled out of bed. Just in time, too. No sooner had my feet hit the floor than I heard a knock at the front door. I groaned louder, but went to answer it. Justin smirked at me.

"I really should just get a key for this place. I brought coffee." He held a cup out to me and I snatched it up greedily. After a long drink, I looked at him again.

"You are God. Alright. What does 'the plot thickens' mean?" I asked.

"It means Jack is giving Zack another chance. But I'm pretty sure he's at least slightly interested in you based on his reaction when I said your name. By the way, I pulled the crew together. They'll be here in twenty. Vic and Mike told me about some of their friends living over here that can help us out with any less than legal operations. Tony Perry, and Jaime Preciado. Apparently, they'd been looking for a crew, and ours is currently lacking two Mexicans, so they'd fit right in."

I nodded, focused more on the coffee than what he was saying.

"Oh, one more thing," he said, pulling me to him and kissing me deeply. When we broke apart, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What was that for? Not that I'm complaining," I added.

"I hate the taste of psychopath." He said simply. I raised the other eyebrow as well.

"What does psychopath taste like?" He shook his head.

"Zack Merrick. I didn't just break up with him because I moved. I'm pretty sure he's actually insane, he gets clingy, like more than you'd normally expect, and he got so pissed if I was close with anyone else. I literally couldn't have any friends without him threatening them, both to me, and to their face. He's fucking crazy." It makes sense why he was so possessive of us, his friends, now. He never had any before.

"That doesn't sound healthy," I said, frowning.

"It's not. But how do you even mention that to someone. 'Hi, I think your son may be a psychopath.' That wouldn't work. Besides, he seems nice and stuff. Then something flips or something and bam, suddenly your life has to revolve around him." He shrugged, and took a drink of his coffee.

"Think we should warn Jack?" I asked, worried about the joker.

"If he's Zack's friend, he probably knows. Or at least has his suspicions. It'd be hard not to."

"If you're sure.." I said, still uncertain. He shrugged.

"Nothing's certain with people like that. That's just my experience." He could tell I was still wavering. "Relax, Gaskarth. Seriously, Alex, he's never actually hurt anyone before. Jack will be fine. Besides, he won't be with him much longer, remember?"

He moved steadily closer as he spoke, his hands resting on my hips once he finished. He kissed me again, and I responded to it instantly, pulling myself from my thoughts.

"You know if this works you're not going to be able to do that much longer," I commented, resting my hands on his shoulders.

"Or I might do it anyway, and just make Jack get used to it." I rolled my eyes at him, but pecked his lips anyway.

"That would still be weird." He just shrugged. There was another knock at the door.

"IT'S OPEN!" He yelled over his shoulder. "Now we start planning."

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