22. Jack's Pov

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"This isn't going to work." Danny hissed, talking about allying with White Skull. I've been quiet since this was all agreed, watching BK hold Jenna's lifeless body in his arms as he sobbed.

"Jack, you okay?" Andy asked quietly, we were whispering since the others were on the other side of the room.

"I can't get over the fact that my boyfriend just killed the girl who was like a sister to me." I whispered, feeling my chest get heavy. It wasn't helping that I felt Alex's eyes on me. I needed to get out. That's what I did, storming out the front door, hearing footsteps behind me. I knew exactly who it was.

"Jack, I-"

"She was like my little sister!" I shouted at him, turning around to face a distraught Alex.

"I'm sorry! What's done is done! Gabe was like a brother to me!" He defended.

"Yeah, but I didn't kill him." I retaliated in a low voice, watching him shrink back sadly. "I can't date someone who kills people I care about. We're through Alex."

"No, Jack! You don't mean that, please!" Alex cried out, tears streaming down his face. Everyone was already gathered out around us, watching the little show.

"I mean every word. And I'm not going to team up with people, not after what happened to Jenna. I'm out." I snapped to all of them, turning around and hopping on my motorcycle.

"Me too." CC mumbled. He looked at me and I nodded, letting him know he could stick with me, hopping on the back of my bike since he didn't have his own.

"Danny, I don't want to do this." Ben whimpered, Danny nodded in understanding, holding his boyfriend close.

"You're on your own, BK. Ally with who you want, but we're out." Andy stated, climbing into the hummer with Ben and Danny. I didn't hesitate to speed off, leaving it all behind. I drove to the only place I knew we could all find peace.

"We haven't been here in so long!" CC said excitedly, running up the front porch steps and pounding on the door as the hummer pulled up next to my bike. "I haven't seen you in forever!" CC squeaked, hugging Ashley as he swung the door open.

"I missed you guys. Come on in!" Ash told us, stepping to the side. "Jeremy! Babe, our old friends are here!" Ash shouted as we situated ourselves in the living room.

"Hey guys!" Jinxx said with a grin, pecking Ashley's cheek before sitting in the recliner with Ash on his lap. We told them about everything that's been happening and they graciously let us stay with them for a while.


"You okay?" Andy asked me as he stood by me on the back porch, a cigarette in his mouth.

"Yeah, just thinking." I muttered, looking up at the starry sky.

"'Bout what?" He questioned, blowing out smoke, watching as the grey color dissolved in the cool air.

"We can't leave Zack out there. He'll just keep hurting people. We've got to take him out." I told him, already devising a plan.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked with a smirk. I smirked just the same, both of us walking into the living room where everyone else was.

"We need the original Shadow Crew back." We both said at the same time, silencing any conversation. CC was the first to jump up and cheer happily, the others following suit.

Before BK found us, we were Shadow Crew. There was fourteen of us, to be exact, but we were all trained by secret agents, undercover spies, even specialized ninjas. All of our trainers just happened to be our parents. There was Andy, CC, Ashley, Jinxx, Jenna, Danny, Ben, Austin, Alan, Aaron, Tino, Phil, Zack, and me.

"Who wants to come with me?" I asked them, CC jumping excitedly and raising his hand, making me laugh.

"Come on CC, we'll get the others." I told him. Before we could leave, Jinxx stopped us.

"Guys, Ashley and I can't be in this time. I mean, he's pregnant, we're going to have a child. You'll have to count us out." Jinxx explained. We nodded in understanding and congratulated them.

"You can use the our old training facility out in the back barn as a hideout though." Ashley added, making us smile.

"Thanks. We'll bring the others back here. Come on Cee." CC and I walked out to my back, jumping off and speeding off to the next familiar house. They came out side before we even got off the bike.

"Jinxx called us." Austin told us with a laugh. I rolled my eyes and CC and I hugged them all.

"We need your help. We need the original crew back together." I decided to get right to it, not beating around the bush.

"What for?" Phil questioned curiously.

"Zack has lost it. He killed a lot of family members of White Skull after one killed his sister. Now he's trying to kill our family. We have to stop him." I replied, hoping they'd get how important this was.

"I'm in." Tino was the first to speak up.

"Me too." Aaron was next.

"I'll go." Alan joined.

"Me too." Phil added. We all looked to Austin, waiting patiently for his reply.

"Lets get this bitch." Austin smirked, high-fiving us.

"Shadow Crew is back, bitches!" Alan cheered with CC, making us laugh.

"Where's the guys?" Phil asked.

"At Jinxx and Ashley's. They aren't in this time, but we're staying at the back barn behind their place." CC explained.

"And Jenna?" I was hoping this question wouldn't come. She was like a sister to all of us.

"A member of White Skull killed her." CC said solemnly.

"My now-ex-boyfriend." I grumbled under my breath, ignoring their shocked gasps. I felt Austin's hand on my shoulder and they all smiled wickedly.

"White Skull has taken someone very close from us. They'll suffer. One by one."

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