13. Alex's POV

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I ran out of Jack's dorm, beyond upset. Why did I even say that to him? I didn't want to call Justin, because that's exactly what Jack wanted, but that the same time, that was all I could do. My face was still throbbing, and I couldn't keep my eyes open for very long. I pulled out my phone, squinting at the brightness, and found his contact, tapping the call button.

"Can you come get me?" I asked, before he could speak. He sighed.

"Jack's place? Why are you leaving, not fucking getting fucked by Barakat?" He asked.

"I said the wrong thing so now he's pissed at me. Can you just come pick me up? I'll explain later."

"Yeah okay. Give me a sec." I heard some shuffling on his line as he spoke, probably him getting dressed.


"Mmhm. See ya." He hung up, and I put the phone down, sitting on the curb feeling defeated.

After only a couple minutes, he pulled up beside me, and got out, crouching in front of me, and grabbing my chin gently, forcing me to look at him. I did so without really caring.

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry, Alex," he whispered, brushing over the bruise with his fingertips. "I should've realized that it was getting to that point where Zack got all possessive. I should've warned you." I managed a weak smile at him.

"It's my fault. I was the one who went up to Jack." He just shook his head, then looked harder at me.

"Emotional or physical?" He asked abruptly.

"What?" He swiped his thumb over my cheek, and just then I realized that I was crying.

"Emotional," I said, and leaned into his hand. He sighed, and pulled me into a standing position, then hugged me gently. I pressed my face into his shoulder, crying freely. Why do I always have to fuck everything up? He rubbed my back soothingly.

"What'd you say?" He asked.

"Friends with benefits. He said he couldn't date me if I was screwing someone else." I sniffled, barely able to believe that I was already this conflicted over a guy.

"Wait in the car. I'll go talk to him." I tried to protest.

"Wait, but last time-"

"Last time I wasn't trying to get my best friend a date," he said, cutting me off. "It'll be fine. Just wait here." I nodded, climbing into his car, and looking at him worriedly. He rolled his eyes, and gave me the thumbs up, then went back inside the dorms.


"HEY BARAKAT!" I yelled into the dorm, not really feeling the need to go snooping around.

"What do you want?" He grumbled, his arms folded over his chest. "To fuck my next crush, too?" He snapped. I took a deep breath so as not to snap at him. I was doing this for Alex. I had to keep reminding myself of that.

"Three things. One, get the stick out of your ass this doesn't revolve around you." Whoops. Well, considering all the things I could've said, that wasn't too bad. "Second, I knew both Alex and Zack before you, and got with them both before you. So I'm the only one who should be complaining. Third, no, this doesn't revolve around you, again. I came here to talk to you on behalf of my best friend."

"Really, you have friends?" He asked scathingly.

"For all of high school I didn't. Because I was dating Zack. So excuse me for being protective. Let me clear the air for you, shall I? Breaking up with Zack will be probably the best decision of your life. Or at least one of them. He's bad news. I know he's your friend and all but trust me, it never ends well. Next, Alex and I aren't technically friends with benefits."

"Technically? What does that even mean in this case?" He asked.

"Friends with benefits makes you think sex, right?" I asked simply. He nodded, clearly uncertain where I was going with this.

"Alex and I fucked once. Otherwise, I guess we're just more affectionate than most friends, y'know? It's not like we're in any relationship, though."

"What does that even mean?" Oh god please tell me my best friend wasn't in love with an idiot.

"Means we kiss, fuckhead. Things like that." I said shortly. "Now, in all honesty, this was not how I wanted to spend my morning, believe it or not, so, how 'bout you cut the bullshit, Alex gets healed up, and you two get your shit together and save me the headache? And the alcohol." He looked at me, surprised.

"Wait, you have alcohol?" He seemed excited. This could turn into a job.

"Let me let you in on a little secret, Barakat. Alex, Rian, Gabe, and I all come from rich families. Those rich families hate our guts so stay as far away from us as possible by letting us do whatever we wan and pretty much disowning us. Yes, I have alcohol. So does Alex. And Rian. And Gabe. Lots, and lots of alcohol." He bit his lip slightly.

"So do you guys, like, supply other people?" He asked. Oh Alex definitely had good taste if he had the pockets to match his mouth.

"For a price. We ran a nice bootlegging scheme at our old school."

"How much?" I clapped my hands.

"Tell you what, how about Alex comes over here tomorrow and you two discuss things. Or don't discuss, just act. Doesn't matter to me." He turned bright red, and mumbled an affirmative reply. Well, clearly this conversation was over.

I walked back down to my car, smirking at Alex as I got in.

"What happened?" He asked eagerly.

"You're coming back tomorrow to talk booze," I said, with air quotes around the last two words.

"What does that mean?"

"You get to decide that for yourselves." I replied, shrugging. He blushed, then leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"You're the best," he said smiling widely.

"I know," I smirked back, sticking my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes, but laughed. Things like this were why we were best friends.

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