25. Alex's POV

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"As cute as this is, we need to move." Oli's voice said from the doorway. Both Jack and I went to get up, but he shook his head.

"Wounded are staying. We can't be slowed down. I came for your knives. One of you jackasses stole mine," he said, glowering at Jack.

"I can still fight," I insisted.

"Alexander William Gaskarth sit your ass down you have a fucking knife sticking out of your leg now give me you knives and let your boyfriend patch you up," Oli snapped. I grinned a little at him as I handed them over.

"I'd forgotten how much of a mother you can be." He turned bright red and stalked out, muttering darkly as he did. Jack laughed a little, then sat up, looking at my leg.

"I didn't even notice that," he said, frowning.

"Here. You'll probably want some of this," Justin said from the doorway. I looked up, and he was holding a bottle of pure vodka.

"Did you seriously bring alcohol along on a stealth mission?" Jack asked, shocked. Justin shrugged.

"I always have alcohol on me. Plus, it comes in handy for situations like this. Oh, and Gaskarth," he tossed me a set of keys, and I looked at him strangely.

"These were practically falling out of my vest. Can you hold on to them for me? When this is all said and done I still want to be able to get into my house. I've got a lot of cleaning to do," he joked, but I could see what was behind it. None of us had any idea what they were walking into, and these guys had easily killed our families, there was no telling what they could do to us.

I got up, not paying any attention to my leg, and hugged him tightly.

"If you don't come back, I'll kill you," I whispered to him, and he laughed loudly.

"Got that right, Gaskarth. I'd let you. See you, Alex, Jack." He nodded to us, then disappeared.

"He'll be okay," Jack said softly.

"People say that a lot. I've learned that they rarely mean it." I said bitterly.

"Hey, relax. It could be worse," he said, trying and failing to make me feel better. Justin was the cockiest person I knew. If he was making plans for what would happen if he didn't make it, he didn't stand a chance.

"How the hell could this possibly be worse?" I asked, not caring that he was trying to help.

"He could be your boyfriend." That made me think of the kiss, and I could feel myself blush. "Oh my god," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're already with him," he asked venomously.

"What? No!" I said urgently.

"Really? Because your cheeks say differently," he snarled. "I can't believe you."

"Justin and I aren't together, for the last time," I said desperately.

"Then why are you redder than a goddamn fire truck?" He asked, glaring viciously at me.

"Because I kissed him, okay? We were getting ready to leave and I kissed him." I would've fucked him, too, if time allowed it. He didn't need to know that, though. His glare lessened slightly.

"Why?" He asked, in a slightly calmer voice.

"Why'd I kiss him?" I clarified. He nodded. Because he looked hot. That was a lie though. That's the cover.

"Because I was hurt. And Justin's always been there to comfort me." I said, and only after I said that did I realize it could be taken the wrong way.

"So you are fucking him?" He asked, furious again.

"No! God, I didn't mean it like that," I groaned. "The most I've done is hug him while we were together, okay? I was never cheating on you, I don't believe in that. Besides, Oli has a thing for Justin and I'd rather get thrown in a meat grinder than get between Oli and what he wants. He looked ready to kill me when he saw me kiss him." I said, trying and clearly failing miserably at turning the topic of focus from myself.

"So it was seriously your first instinct after we broke up to go kiss your ex-fuck buddy?" He asked in disbelief.

"No, my first instinct was crying and potentially breaking something, but seeing as we had a job to do, I couldn't. So I went for comfort instead of releasing my emotions." I said simply. The next thing I knew his lips were on mine, kissing me urgently.

"Well next time, come to me first," he said against my lips, and I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck and molding my lips to his once more.

He pulled me back down to the bed, and just held me against his chest.

"I'm sorry about Je-" I started to say, but he cut me off with another kiss.

"Forget about it. Please," he added, when he saw me start to argue. I doubted I would anytime soon, but I nodded anyway. I didn't need anyone worrying about me.

I must have drifted to sleep because the next thing I knew, daylight was streaming through the windows, and there was a loud argument going on downstairs.

"WE HAVE TO GO BACK!" I heard Oli shouting.

"WE CAN'T! Get it through your thick skull that we can't go back there!" I heard Austin snap.

"We wouldn't have to if you obeyed the ONE rule of ANY organization, NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND!" I heard a thud, and knew that that meant Oli was throwing knives again. I waited for Justin to calm him down so I could go back to sleep, but he kept yelling. I heard two more thuds, and that's when it hit me. Austin left someone behind. Oli was furious and not being calmed down. Justin. He left Justin. The keys in my pocket seemed heavier.

I got out of bed, deducing that Jack must be down there too, and made my way downstairs, praying that my assumption was wrong.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking directly at Oli, whose eyes were flooded with tears I knew he'd never spill.

"These fucking idiots left Justin with a pair of psychopaths!" He shouted again, and went to grab yet another knife, but I stopped him.

"That's not going to help." I said simply.

"It sure as fuck feels good though," he ground out through gritted teeth.

"Oli, relax. This is Justin we're talking about. He'll be back." He looked at me warily, almost like a child trying to decide if an adult was lying to them or not.

"Promise?" He asked, his voice low, so I was the only one who could hear.

"Promise." His hand released the knife he'd been holding so tightly his knuckles were white.

Right about then, the door was kicked open.

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