7. Alex's POV

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I groaned, slamming my head into a wall. "That's not going to do anything for your headache," Justin grumbled beside, taking what was probably his tenth aspirin.
"I fucked up. Really bad." I said, holding my head against the wall. I didn't want to admit it, but he was right. My already throbbing head felt like it was exploding in on itself a thousand times a second.
"Well busting your head open isn't gonna solve anything. Come here." He pulled me firmly to a table, thrusting a bottle of water and three aspirin at me. I groaned again. After throwing my guts up earlier, the thought of ingesting anything else seemed deadly.
"Drink or I will force it down your throat," he said in an annoyed tone. Seeing as I didn't doubt that he would, I took the pills, and drank the entire bottle, just now realizing how thirsty I was.
"Good. Now what's up? What did you do that's so bad?" He asked, leaning over the table.
"Y'know the Jack guy I was telling you about?" He made an affirmative noise. "He came out to me last night and I apparently called him a faggot and I don't remember doing it." Justin frowned.
"He does realize that that would be kinda hypocritical of you, right?" He asked, taking a sip of his water. I blushed and bit my lip.
"Um, he actually doesn't know I'm gay," I mumbled. He was silent for a moment.
"Damn, you really fucked up, Gaskarth,"
"No fucking shit," I snapped back. Alcohol made me irritable.
"Give me your phone," I half handed my phone to him, then stopped.
"Because I'm going to clean up your mess, idiot." He snatched it from my hands and unlocked it like it was his own.
"How do you know my password?" He smirked.
"Anyone who's been around you for five minutes knows your password. You're not subtle putting it in. Besides, you told me last time you were drunk." Then he put my phone up to his ear, still smirking.
"Hey Jack," he said, and I lunged across the table, but he stood up so I couldn't reach it.
"Nah this is Justin. Alex is currently threatening to kill me if I don't hang up the phone right now." I hid my face in my palms. This could not be happening.
"Well I just wanted to explain a little something to you. Our friend Alex here is gay as fuck. He comes from a homophobic family so whatever the fuck he drunk texted you was probably the same shit he's been getting since he was in diapers." There was a moment of silence and Justin's face took on an annoyed look.
"Of course he was fucking drunk! We fucking drained a bottle of good Russian vodka so don't pull that shit on me, asshat," he snapped. "I'm only calling you because I'm his friend and I don't want him busting his head open on a wall because of something he repeated when he wasn't in his right mind. So be an asshole and be a whiny little bitch about this or put on your big boy pants and get the fuck over it." I don't think I've ever heard anything more offensive come out of his mouth, and he is constantly insulting everyone, all the time.
"You are going to get me in so much trouble," I whispered to him. He just grinned.
"Why were we drinking? What are you a prude? Cause we fucking wanted to." I glared at him. "Hey, turn off the death-stare, Gaskarth. No I'm not talking to you, is your name Gaskarth? Idiot. Anyway, he apparently wants me to tell you why we were drinking. Call it a pre-going away party party. Because my going away party is today but we decided to get wrecked last night as a precursor to that."
He rolled his eyes at the phone. "This guy is an idiot," he mumbled to me. I smiled a little.
"An adorable idiot." I said. He smirked a little.
"You totally have a crush on him," he stuck his tongue out at me, then went back to paying attention to the phone. He put on his most charming smile, even though over the phone it couldn't have any effect on Jack. "No I'm most definitely paying attention to you. I find your annoyance incredibly interesting." Sarcasm dripped from his words, and I held back a giggle. "I'm being serious."
I couldn't help it anymore. I burst out laughing. He mimed for me to shut up but I couldn't. The whole situation was just... Hilarious. Well, that, and the fact that I was still slightly drunk so everything seemed funnier.
"What? No, no, I'm not being sarcastic at all." He smirked. "Fuck you, too." He hung up, looking at me proudly, like a three year old who counted to 10 for the first time.
"Oh my god," I said, cracking up again. "That was the most horrible and fantastic thing I've ever heard!" He just continued to smirk proudly.
"My pleasure," he said, bowing a little. That was fucking attractive, let me just tell you. That in mind, I felt daring, so I took the initiative, and pressed my lips to his. His fingers hooked through my belt loops and pulled me closer as he deepened the kiss.
"You've got a wicked mouth," I said teasingly once we pulled apart. He grinned at me.
"You know you love it," his voice made me shiver, but I didn't show it, just wrapped my arms around his neck. He nuzzled my neck, kissing my soft spot gently, before sucking roughly on it. I moaned aloud. Of course, at that moment, my phone rang. Justin grabbed it, glanced at the caller ID, then answered it.
He ended the call.
"Where was I?"

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