23. Alex's POV

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"So that's how it's going to be then?" Justin asked coldly, looking at Kellin.

"It's not like I could stop them!" Kellin said, pacing angrily.

"Well we can't have them interfering. You have to find them and stop them." Justin said, taking a step closer.

"You don't control me," Kellin spat.

"You killed my brother. You owe me." Justin whispered harshly.

"Any debt I owed was repaid when you killed my girlfriend." Kellin said coldly. "I don't even know why I'm here."

"Good thing I do." Oli said, stepping up. "You feel responsible. Here I thought you were above guilt," he said mockingly.

"Shut up! I can still kill you," he said, pressing a knife to Oli's throat. Oli just grinned at him.

"No you can't. Guilt's a funny thing. If you were going to kill me, I'd be dead." He said simply. Kellin whipped the knife away, muttering darkly to himself.

"Check here. But I'm done." He threw a piece of paper at us with an address written on it. I snatched it up.

"Thanks for your help," I said in the most sarcastic tone I could manage. Oli pulled Justin and I aside.

"We have to be at the top of our game. Three of us, versus who knows how many of them. We could be facing a small army here. Focus on our training. It's all we've got." Justin and I nodded, and we all quickly changed into our uniforms.

"Hey, are you okay?" Justin asked, before I could go retrieve my weapons. I took a deep breath.

"No. But I can be for now. It doesn't matter. I can be upset later." He nodded.

"Just don't keep it locked away for too long. We can't have you breaking." I smiled a little, and was filled with an overwhelming desire to kiss him-so I did. Maybe it was the misery talking but I couldn't get enough of him all of a sudden. I gripped his collar desperately, pulling myself against him. His lips moved slowly against mine, and but he was the first to pull back, at footsteps outside the door.

"Guys we can't keep waiting. Get your stuff and let's g-oh." Oli said, opening the door, and frowning at our position. Or, more accurately, me. Justin stepped away and walked downstairs, presumably to get his weapons, I hesitated a minute, then followed, looking guiltily at Oli. I knew he liked Justin. How could I do that to him?

"Ready?" Justin asked, once I grabbed my last gun. Oli and I nodded.

"Let's go." We didn't look at Jaime, Tony, or Rian as we left. As far as I was concerned, leading BK here was on them, and worthy of being kicked out of the White Skull. We arrived at the barn silently, having dropped our motorcycles a couple blocks back. I heard voices inside, and signed to the others how many different ones I identified. I counted nine, but we always took into account five silent ones when planning an operation like this.

We scaled the sides of the barn easily, crept silently over the roof. There were three large windows which we made our way over to. Probably bulletproof glass, which was why we carried diamond edged knives. I cut out a 4-inch square and caught it before it could fall, then slipped the barrel of my gun to the opening.

Oli have a signal, and the three of us fired simultaneously, taking down three people. I couldn't identify from this angle where Jack was, but I forced myself not to care. We let out another round, then kicked through the glass, dropping and rolling into the barn, which appeared to double as a training facility.

The second round we shot wasn't as accurate as the first, so three of them were only wounded. I grabbed one and snapped their neck emotionlessly, Justin throwing a knife and catching one in the back, and Oli simply putting a bullet in their skull. Then we were faced with six very pissed off killers, while covered in the blood of their friends.

I had a moment of relieve when I saw Jack among the living, but it was short lived as he was pointing a gun at me. Sure, he didn't know it was me, but it still hurt.

"Who are you and how did you find this place?" A tall guy I didn't recognize asked. None of us answered, but attacked, not with weapons, but with our bodies. Our goal wasn't to kill them all, but definitely leave them incapable of stopping us. A bullet grazed my arm and I caught a knife with my thigh but other than that I was fine, and at the end, they were all easily tied up.

"Sorry, but we can't have you interfering," I said once we were done. It was true. They couldn't stop our plan. We were doing them a favor, anyway. They'd forgive us eventually. Hopefully.

Next stop, Zack Merrick's grave.

"You can't just leave us here!" Jack yelled, obviously coming to. "This is our fight! Let us go and face is like men!" He shouted.

"Don't you get it?" Justin replied, disguising his voice expertly. "We aren't men. We're shadows." With that, we disappeared. By that I mean ran like hell into complete blackness to start our manhunt. Zack Merrick wouldn't make it through the end of the night.

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