A safe spot

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"What do you think about this?" Ryan suddenly breaks the silence.

"Honestly, it's hard to say... One of us died here and he might not be the last one..." I start realizing, that this must be some sort of a twisted game. Game of death.

"At least we're in this together..." He says, smiling a bit.

"Yeah..." I turn on him and smile too. His face, earlier filled with fear, has begun to fill with confidence... More comfortable... He is a very friendly person, I must admit.

"Ok let's get through this tons of mess." I stand up, stretch a bit and go, trying to find any path in this tons of rubbish and who knows what.

"Ok, what are we searching for again?" He asks, scratching the back of his head.

"Something looking like an artifact..." I respond to him.

We're looking for 10 minutes and nothing. I promise I've searched everywhere I could. Well... There's one place we haven't searched yet...

"Have you searched the prison?" Ryan stops digging and looks at the prison few meters away.

"Nope, not yet." I respond. Ryan goes into a prison and soon returns with something odd. It's a whip made of human hair and at the end of it are human nails.

"Ok, the fuck is this twisted bullshit?!?" I nearly yell at that.

"Yeah... It's wierd... But it maybe it!" He says bit enthusiastically.

"Let's go back then..." We get out of the police station to our tent, but the only person here is Baz and in the corner stands Tella.

"Where're the others?"

"I don't know... Everybody went different directions... I was alone." Baz shakes his head and goes to us.

"We have an artifact!" Ryan raises it above his head.

"You have to hurry, you're not the only ones, who are looking for the artifacts..." Suddenly Tella Steps up.

"Who else Is looking for them?"

"The clowns..."

Wait, what?

"Why would they look for them?" Jack asks, surprised and terryfied at the same time.

"The artifacts can save this park, but they can also release a demon hidden in a church at the end of this park."

"Ok, I have plenty of questions..." Ryan raises his hands and sits on a crate.

"You're not alone." I nod.


We're chilling in the tent. Jack is discussing something with Ryan and I told myself I'll look around the tent.

As I walk pass one of the walls, I notice a blanked covering a whole wall. I move it to a side and I see an entrance to some room. I open a door and I see a huge lounge with couches and a table in the middle. On walls are some painting and here and there are some small statues.

I walk inside. I can't miss a small table next to the door. On that table is a box and ten cards with faces and some names. As I get closer to the cards, I notice, that the faces are ours. Mat, Jack, Will And So on... The names are not exactly ours. On Mat's card, it says ' The Detective', on Jack's ' The Adventurer' and so on...

I finally decide to go back and tell Jack and Ryan about this. I go out of the room and I head to them.

"Guys, I found some safe spot, follow me." I lead them to it.

"Oh my god... This is nice!" Jack says with enthusiasm in his voice.

"It's the first nice thing in this park..." Ryan adds.

"And look!" I point at the cards.

"This is so cool... But why is it here?" Ryan gets bit suspicious. He turns on Tella And she goes right next to him.

"If you are put into a challenge, here, you can vote for a person you want to put in." She explains.

"Wait, so you knew about this the whole time?!" I nearly yell.

"I knew this lounge is somewhere, but I didn't know it's here..."

"And what are these challenges you told us about?" Jack turns on Tella.

"Well... Sometimes... The artifacts are guarded by some entities and you have to fight for them... The fight is often between two people."

"How do you know all of this?"

"I tried to save this park... But I failed... So I decided I'll help whoever will try to save it." Her face turns sad and bit mad right after.

"Oh... Sorry..." I quickly apologize.

"You know what? Maybe we can put those artifacts we'll find here!" Jack points at shelfs on a wall.

"Why not?" Ryan puts the whip on the shelf.

"And this one too..." Says Jack as he puts some mask on the shelf too.


We went around the house and sneaked to the one we needed. We sneak from the front door and we see everything broken, glass everywhere and on one table lays some old, golden neckle.

Suddenly, from a corner jumps some giant person with knifes on and in his arms.


Ok, that creepy bastard is on steroids and there's no way we can win a fight with him.

"Ok, what is the challenge?" I ask.


We moved away from him and formed a circle.

"Ok, what now?" Will turns on Mat.

"We have to do what he said..." He responds to Will.

"Ok, I have an idea... Mark is out, because he already went through a challenge and Ethan to..." Suggests Will and I can't disagree. I don't want to be fucking dead!

"That leaves me, Lewis, you and Rhys." Mat turns on Will, who only nods.

"I guess so..."

"You (Mat) and Will did a lot for this team. I don't mean that Lewis or Rhys didn't, I just think you should be out of this..." Ethan gets into the conversation.

"So it's me and Lew..." Says Rhys with low voice. Will turns on him and hugs him.

"I'm sorry..." Will whispers to him.

"It's not your fault Will..." Ethan slowly puts his hand on Will's shoulder.

"Good luck!" I tell, looking on Lewis.


They walk to the man. There's a huge smile coming across man's face. He leads them somewhere and tells us to wait.

"This is horrible..." Will sits on some chair and covers his face with his hands.

"I know..." Ethan tries to calm him down.

"... They are best friends since forever..."

That's when it hit me. The worst part is, that they are best friends forced to fight eachother for life.

Next chapter on Saturday

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