Heaven Born Rage - Part 1

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Amy's POV

It's been a few days since we returned to Central. Amybrine has changed. Became more....um....deadly. Like I legit do NOT want to be on the receiving end of ANY of her spells. Because I kind of like living.

"Amy I know you want to ask me something so spill it." Amybrine asked me but her tone was like: Listen I'm pissed so get on with it.

"I just want to know if you have found a way into heaven is all. I know you want to help your dad and I want to help so do you need someone to open the gate to heaven?" I asked

"Even if I didn't have a way, you would not be able to open a portal to heaven. It don't work like that. Only celestial beings like my husband and uncle can open it. My mom can do it since she too has heaven born magic being a Morningstar Devil but Phoenixes....they can't. Sorry but that's the way the cosmos works this out. I spoke with my father-in-law Arus and he told me that he will bring me, Mom and Blaze inside Heaven to kick Grim's ass back to Gehenna where he belongs. Now I need to get going. See you later." HOW MONOTONE AND PISSED DID SHE SOUND AS SHE TOLD ME THAT?!

She vanished immediately then I saw Treachery

"Do you know why she is so...um..."



"Sure do. Her father means the world to her. Aamon Inferno is the one who actually taught Amybrine how to use her special hellfire gifts. Satan and Fierra taught her how to use her satanic gifts but the hellfire magic, is her main power supply so when she found out about her dad's attack, well....all five of us knew about it instantly. If she goes to heaven she could get seriously injured. Heaven is no place for a demon. Not even a royal demon, she runs the risk of acquiring what we call: Angelic Burns. Similar to void burns just white and silver instead of black and purple. If she get's them, they are extremely difficult to get rid off and gradually depletes the victim of magic energy until they pass out forever. Not dead but in a constant state of suspended animation and never be able to wake up. There are amulets out there that can protect you but they can only do so much"

"Holy crap. But wait, isn't Amybrine's mom technically an Angel like Satan? I mean the Morningstar bloodline originates from Heaven and AB straight up said her mom can open the gate to heaven"

"True. If Amybrine had taken most of the Morningstar features. Being an angel or a demon is determined by your wings in our world since devils are indeed angels. Just dark angels. But what do Amybrine's wings NOT have?"


"Exactly. She inherited her mom's devil horns and her dad's demon horns. Her tail is similar to my demon one just with added devil spikes but her wings are pure demon. Amybrine is a hell-born being unlike her husband Blaze a heaven-born being. Flarian is actually an even mix. Demon and Angel since he has black feathered angel wings with red tips. So back to square 1 of Amybrine potentially getting wounded." Treachery explained.

"So that explains it. I'm going with her. She forgets one thing: I have celestial magic. My aunt Silver Shadow is the Celestial Devil so surely I have the genes in me?"

"You may actually and since Limbo guards the realm between purgatory and the afterlife I'll see if she is up to helping" then treachery vanished

I got my special pearl out then called my mom.

(Bold = Sophia. AKA Amy's Mom and Italics is Amy)

Hey sweetie. What's up?

I need your help


Getting into heaven.

SAY WHAT?! How am I supposed to help?!

It would be easier to explain it in person. You able to teleport to Amestris as my magic won't get me back to Mythalia.

I'll be there in five minutes.

Then she hung up and true to her word mom was here in five minutes.

"So what do mean by getting into heaven? How can I help?" Mom asked when she sat in the office with me.

"You are an ice angel right? Are all angels heaven born?" I asked

"Sort of. My lineage of angels are but not all angels are born of true heavenly powers. So of course I can help you get into heaven. Why do you want to though? Bit early to die isn't it?" Mom asked

I told her everything Amybrine and Treachery told me.


"What do you mean Family?!??????"

Mom stayed silent.

"Mom....please. Why did you say family in that sentence? Is Grimm a part of your family line or dad's?"

"Mine......he isn't directly in it though, there was a time when part of my family bloodline was darkened. Grim is a part of the Daybreak lineage or Hell-Storm as we used to go by. So let's go." Mom explained and I got a spark of determination

We stood up then she opened a portal after giving me an amulet to wear.

"Before you ask. I know you are my daughter but your dad and I are still unsure if you are 100% protected from the intense angelic magic within Heaven." Mom told then we went through the portal. I was wearing:

But when we got in, our appearances changed for some reason

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But when we got in, our appearances changed for some reason

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