Full Metal Revival - Prologue

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There was once a time when the gateway to Gehenna was guarded by 9 legendary demons. The nine circles of hell: Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Anger, Heresy, Violence, Fraud and Treachery. However 7 of them went missing. Dante Inferno their creator and father was heart-broken. He searched throughout his reign as king of the spirit kingdom of hell but ruling a kingdom took up a lot of his time so when he heir took the throne, Dante set out to find his children.

Anger and Treachery were determined to help their father find their lost siblings and bring them home. For these two, cared so much about the other 7, and also because Anger and Treachery are the only two who can actually make the other 7 listen to anything someone says.

Time flew and eventually, Dante gave up. But little did he know, his lost 7 children were in the real world. In a place known as Amestris and served someone else and went by quite a few different names.

One of Dante's descendants Amybrine grew so close with Treachery and Anger. So much so, they gave her their circle keys to command. Dante was pleased then realized he was looking in the wrong way the 7 circles were not going to listen to him, they listen to whomever bears their keys.

So Dante asked Amybrine to go to Amestris and bring back the missing 7 circles. Thankfully she has a great friend there: Amy Shadow.

Amybrine pledged to Dante to find his missing children and bring them home, Treachery and Anger swore and oath as well to assist the young princess as they knew EXACTLY what their siblings's magic was and how to sense it.

====================(Onto the actual Story)===================

Amybrine's POV

OK, First order of business: Finding Amy but that map I have, Amestris is huge! She told me to just look for her magic fire over some military building.

"Any joy you two?" I asked Treachery and Anger but they want me to address them by their 'human' names: Alex and Talya which are legit names and they have human disguises.

"I found it!" Alex shouted so me and Talya flew so quickly and saw Amy

Talya(Treachery) and Alex(Anger) then returned to the keys aka they returned to the gate in their true forms. My uncle may be king of Gehenna but some of the citizens are not friendly and it's safer for them to stay inside Gehenna.

"Yo Amybrine! It's great to see you again" Amy told me when I landed on the grass. My legs actually caved in on me, flying does tend to do this.

I got back up then gave my best friend a hug.

"It's great to see you again Amy. You said on the holo-call you wanted me to meet some people?" I asked

"Yep. Some alchemists who are also after the seven homunculi or as you know them, the seven missing circles of hell your ancestor Dante asked you to find. Follow me" then she led me through this amazing building.

And here I thought my boyfriend Blaze lives in a grand place! This place is amazing even if it is a military building it's still amazing

We reached a set of doors then Amy led me in and I saw a wanted board with the seven circles on it.

I will bring you seven home. Count on it

"You alright AB? You seem worried about something" Amy asked

"Just hoping I make my dad proud. He was skeptical about me doing this mission. I don't want to let him, mom or Dante down. Talya and Alex vowed to help but there is only so much any of us can do" Amy is aware of the circle names and their human alias names.

"I know you'll do great. Plus a friend of mine is after them as well. Not so much for the same reason but they want to stop them causing trouble. Lily is the worst." That is Lust for ya.

"Amybrine I want you to meet Edward and Alphonse Elric. Then you have Colonel Mustang and Lieutenant Hawkeye. Mustang is a flame alchemist so he uses fire similar to us but we have a slight difference" Amy started

"Yeah. We can change what type of fire we use. I mean you have Phoenix fire AND the element of fire. I have my own hellfire" and my satanic flames but no one is to know about my family until the time is right

"More like Phoenix, Celestial, Elemental and Normal fire but yeah. As of right now I only have Phoenix and elemental." SHE HAS CELESTIAL FIRE?! Damn she's more infernal at heart than me and I am an INFERNO!

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Amybrine. Amy here told me on the way about the seven homunculi. I have to find them somehow" For Alex, Tanya, Dad, Mom and all of hell

"How come if you don't mind my asking?" The metal armor asked

"It's complicated Al. Amybrine knows them. AB you alright if we tell them the truth?" Amy asked and so I asked Alex and Tanya to come out

"Yeah complicated is the MILDEST way of putting it. These two behind me are Alex and Tanya. Well those are their human names. Their real names are Anger and Treachery. The fifth and ninth circle of hell. The seven homunculi are the other seven circles of hell gone rogue. My ancestor Dante Inferno created them but they went missing and he asked me to find them and bring them home to him. My own surname is Inferno...and I am a hybrid *reveals horns and tail as well as white right eye (she had them both gold)* of a devil and a demon. Ever hear of the demon of the abyss Aamon Inferno *everyone nods* he's my dad" I explained then Alex stepped forward

"Amybrine we can sense all seven of them somewhere but Lust being Lust is acting an idiot. AGAIN! Unfortunately there is a bit of a problem" Alex told me

"What has she done now?!" I asked.

"Shape-Shifted into someone we don't know." Talya stated and I face-palmed.

This is going to be fun trying to revive the nine circles of hell!

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